What is the Biden mission statement?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Anyone who has worked in most industries have seen the company mission statement. We want to elevate the conversation. We want to illustrate the thoughts of everyone. Our mission is to do right by the planet and people too. Some are absurd...remember, "Don't be Evil". Some are revealing, "All the news, you need to know about." And some are partisan, "Democracy dies in darkness."

What is the binding Biden Mission Statement that covers everything that he has done?

"I'm here to save the planet against imagined threats. I'm hear to shorten the lifespan of the American people and reduce their standard of living...but only some of the people (Ask the people of East Palentine). I'm here to remove the United States from leadership of the world. I'm hear to promote the Chinese agenda. After all, they paid for most of this. I'm hear to make money for my family. Lots of money by trading the only thing that I have to trade. I don't produce anything. I don't create anything. But I can follow orders and betray my country...as long as I get ice cream afterwards."

How's that for a Mission Statement?
... Hear Hear! ... The perfect "mission statement"...

As Biden's mission surely seems to be Destroying the Country.
All while enriching China.

#### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
10%. No less.