Japanese Prime Minister unhurt after blast during campaign event

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Japanese Prime Minister unhurt after blast during campaign event


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was evacuated unhurt after someone threw an explosive device in his direction while he was campaigning at a fishing port in western Japan, officials said.

Police wrestled a suspect to the ground as smoke filled the air and screaming bystanders scrambled to get away.

Although no one was hurt and Mr Kishida continued campaigning on Saturday, the chaotic scene was reminiscent of the assassination nine months ago of former prime minister Shinzo Abe, which also came on a campaign tour and continues to reverberate in Japanese politics.

Mr Kishida was visiting the Saikazaki port in the Wakayama prefecture to support his ruling party’s candidate in a local election, and the explosion occurred just before he was to begin his speech.

A young man believed to be a suspect was arrested at the scene allegedly throwing “the suspicious object”, chief cabinet secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters.

Mr Matsuno refused to comment on the suspect’s motive and background, saying police are still investigating.

As they collapse on top of the man, working to remove the tube from his hands, a large explosion is heard near where Mr Kishida had been standing.

The crowd scatters in panic as police roughly drag the man away.

It was not immediately clear what the explosive device was or how many the suspect had, but some reports said it was a smoke or pipe bomb, possibly with a delayed fuse.

No injuries were reported in the incident, which came on the eve of a major international forum in Japan.


direct link to video of the incident.

Mr Kishida continued his campaign speeches later on Saturday, Mr Matsuno said.

Mr Kishida did not mention the explosion and returned to the Tokyo region in the evening after campaigning in Chiba for another candidate.

“Elections are the core of democracy and we should never tolerate threats or obstruction by violence,” Mr Matsuno said.

He said he instructed national police to make sure of their utmost effort for the protection of dignitaries who are visiting Japan in the period leading up to the Group of Seven summit in May.

The suspect, centre, is detained (Kyodo News via AP) © Provided by PA Media