Lunch at strip clubs

3daygetaway's Avatar
Goddamnit, I'm here, paid a cover, bought a $5 coke, and there's not a dancer in sight.
Give it 20 minutes, and order the steak!
3daygetaway's Avatar
I did. One dancer. Empty drink. Haven't seen my waitress. The cook brought me my steak.
Whispers's Avatar
you went to the wrong club
3daygetaway's Avatar
Ya think?!?! 🙂 Recommendations?
3daygetaway's Avatar
I ate there last Friday; it IS good. Helluva chicken sandwich.
I'm spending my afternoon with Tye otherwise I'd come buy you a beer at the YR.
Whispers's Avatar
Lunch Fridays? P10
3daygetaway's Avatar
Anything south?
Don't know if they still do it, but Ricks had free prime rib lunch and 5 dollar imports on Fridays. After that go to P10 to see decent dancers.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Goddamnit, I'm here, paid a cover, bought a $5 coke, and there's not a dancer in sight. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
I've never been to a strip club. true story. Is the food any good?
YR Originally Posted by JadeRose
Best prime rib!!
Went to chicas bonitas for lunch. A liquid lunch mind you. No menu, just drinks. Not a dancer is sight just refugees from the zombie apocalypse.
Whispers knows...