Providers are better for you than Porn

pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
I'm 60+ so I'm going to watch health videos like this. There are tons of studies out there saying porn is bad. Which is the main reason I started seeing providers.

My wife is my same age, but can't or won't have sex. I would do porn about once a week, nothing serious, but then when I did want to do something for real, things worked, but not as well as I wanted. So I stopped watching porn, wait till I can get a provider, or if I abolutely have to - use a memory or a fantasy and not the computer. Which really did solve my issues.

Weight and other things are listed in the video if you watch the entire thing. If there's a reason to lose weight that every man would want, this is it. Why would you become or stay a fat slob if your junk doesn't work. What's the point of being a man?

This probably doesn't apply to anyone here, since everyone is seeing their favorite providers, but I thought it was interesting and definitely a good reason to support local providers more often.

It's a 33 second clip, but the entire vid is interesting. cHvmPq
ICU 812's Avatar
Whatever works for you . . . .

Just be careful out there today. I am reading (no link) that STDs are going up almost explosively. Another issue is the decline in societal norms with a rise in violent robbery or just gratuitous violence for no reason.

I too am over (well over) 60 and not "the man I used to be" in terms of physical ability as I now walk with a cane, so I have found myself reducing my potential exposure, by limiting what I do.

Just be mindful that as we age, what is possibly in a negative way, and that we, as older men, may no longer be able to confront, or even retreat from, what is bad in the world.

Providers? If you still have the stuff, go for it! Just be careful.
I wouldn't pay any attention to Dr. Berg. He's a chiropractor, not a real doctor. His videos are always filled with misinformation.
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
thanks for your opinion without stating any facts.

There's some argument about DO vs MD vs DC, He's okay. Most of his vids have the studies he's talking about listed in the desc or at worst, it's a starting point to do your own research.

There are dozens of studies of how bad porn is and I stated I had issues that cleared up after stopping porn.

But thanks for stopping by to add nothing.
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
we, as older men, may no longer be able to confront, or even retreat from, what is bad in the world.
2A the great equalizer. (Situational awareness first, but 2A makes a good backup.)

Saw a new 'person' last week. Sort of a shady situation and my 2A was close by, under some clothing next to the bed, as always. Some say something, most don't.

99% CFS, STD's wife wouldn't notice anyway, hence the reason for the risk.
thanks for your opinion without stating any facts.

There's some argument about DO vs MD vs DC, He's okay. Most of his vids have the studies he's talking about listed in the desc or at worst, it's a starting point to do your own research.

There are dozens of studies of how bad porn is and I stated I had issues that cleared up after stopping porn.

But thanks for stopping by to add nothing. Originally Posted by pertpvyztrzv
My point is that there's a ton of information out there about porn, like the following link:

There's so much misinformation out there, determining what's true or false is almost impossible. All I know is that the internet has made porn available 24x7 to young people and that's never before happened in the history of mankind. It's one big social experiment on society and we're just beginning to see the results.

All that said, I'm also in my 60s and I do agree with you. I've been seeing providers for 20+ years and it beats porn hands down.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I make porn with providers thus reaping all benefits from both and suffering none of the drawbacks from either. Or, something like that...