Threesome the opposite way

burkalini's Avatar
How many providers have had a threesome with two hobbyist( non gay). It seems to be kind of a prohibited thing with most providers. Now you can tell if you do or why you dont't
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It's been discussed before but I believe in the coed sections of certain cities. I cannot speak for others, but it's at the top of my personal fantasy list.

Well, I have done it. But not enough. But like threesomes with a male and two females, often the fantasy doesn't live up to the reality. But I'm always open to the possibility of it happening again.

Sure. And I haven't seen where a bunch of females put it at the top of their no no list.

I have had two men on several occassions, and loved it! However, no matter how many times I have encouraged hobbiests to bring a friend with them, I have yet to enjoy this in hobbyland.
The reasons it doesn't happen often are:
1) Coordination; it's much harder to coordinate two guys' play time than two girls' work time
2) Money; both men have to pay
3) "Good fantasy, bad reality" factor; in a man's fantasy about this he doesn't keep banging up against another naked dude, whereas in reality he does, so it isn't often repeated after being tried.

Some escorts won't do it because of our side of #3; yeah, it's an exciting fantasy and fun if you're involved with one of the guys. But when both are clients, they BOTH want your full attention (rightfully, because they paid for it) and it's exhausting.

New Orleans being New Orleans, I've done this one a number of times, and it's never as good as the guys imagine it will be; they're always uncomfortable around one another so the provider has to play hostess and diplomat in addition to doing two full calls at once.
Fascinating topic...

This one didn't sound too bad:

I guess it helps if all participants know each other prior to the event, which appeared to be the case here...

DallasRain's Avatar
I have done it with two hobbyist in Houston my personal life I have done it too many times to count{lol}

I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
I've heard of some providers who like gang bangs with as many guys as possible.

I also know in some areas, they have get togethers for providers and clients to mingle. While these are suppose to be social and non play events, I've heard where some interesting hook ups have occurred to include multiple partners (both ways)-- essentially an orgy.

Here's a question. Have any providers and clients participated in an orgy or a situation with 2 (or more) providers and 2 (or more) clients that included the swapping of partners (i.e. everyone had sex with multiple partners)?
London Rayne's Avatar
I have never been DP'd, but have been with 2 guys at once. It was nice, but I prefer a female/male scenario better.
DallasRain's Avatar
quote--I've heard of some providers who like gang bangs with as many guys as possible.

ME/ME/ME!!!{in personal & client life}!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
quote--I've heard of some providers who like gang bangs with as many guys as possible.

ME/ME/ME!!!{in personal & client life}!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Yeah, Dallas, I was thinking of you when I wrote that, but didn't want to drop your name
burkalini's Avatar
I guess this is more popular than I thought
2) Money; both men have to pay Originally Posted by AngelOK
I would be more inclined to participate if the guys split the provider's regular fee rather than each one paying the full fee.

Yes, this is a fantasy of mine. Would reality meet the fantasy? Probably not. I'm getting to that age where I'm starting to make a bucket list. But I'm also at that age where my normal limit is one pop. The provider would have to be an artist at making me last as long as possible.

[Just an observation: I haven't seen any providers advertising that they cater to bucket lists. You know, just PM me your bucket list and we'll see what we can work out?]
London Rayne's Avatar
At the time my regular rate was still $4 an hour, so I charged 6 total. I can't imagine splitting the fee when you are doing double the work in the same amount of time, but I did discount it since it was still only an hour. Had they each gotten an hour, it would have been much more.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Would saying "pm me your bucket list" be kind of the same as "let me know your fantasy"?

Dallas you're just a one of a kind freak woman. Don't know how many others there are like you lol.
At the time my regular rate was still $4 an hour, so I charged 6 total. I can't imagine splitting the fee when you are doing double the work in the same amount of time, but I did discount it since it was still only an hour. Had they each gotten an hour, it would have been much more. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Kinda like saying, "I charge $X for each pop. If you're MSOG, what does it matter if you have 2 guys or one? Especially if one of them, like me, is a one shot wonder?