Convicted Democrat Pedophile to Run for Congress

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And he will probably win. Mel Reynolds, convicted of having sex with a minor while formerly serving in Congress wants his seat back. He was also convicted of several financial crimes.

Good grief. I don't like Republicans, but don't the Democrats have any shame at all? I mean, we've got DHS covering up a pedophile working for a Democrat Senator, the AG covering up a potentially huge intelligence disaster, and now a convicted pedophile is running for Congress, without any shame at all. It's disgraceful what the Democrats have become.

From the article:

Disgraced former U.S. Rep. Mel Reynolds said he will ask voters to focus on his congressional experience rather than his state and federal criminal record as he announced his bid today for the seat held by Jesse Jackson Jr., who has resigned.

At a downtown hotel news conference, Reynolds acknowledged having made “mistakes” in the past. For his campaign, he will try to assume the mantle of an incumbent while also seeking redemption from voters. Red and white campaign signs urged voters to “re-elect” Reynolds “so he can finish the work” while another stark red sign with white letters said simply: “Redemption.”

Reynolds held the 2nd Congressional District seat from 1993 until October 1995, when a Cook County jury convicted him of several sex-related charges, including having sex with an underage volunteer campaign worker. While serving time in state prison, Reynolds also was convicted on federal financial and campaign fraud charges. President Bill Clinton commuted Reynolds' sentence to time served in 2001.

More here:,4033691.story
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-12-2012, 10:44 PM
What is new? They are all a bunch of criminals, fucking
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets not forget Gerry Studds of Massachusetts who admitted to having sex with young, male, Congressional pages and got reelected. Seems the statutory rape law in DC only talks about underage FEMALES so it is not illegal to bugger young boys who consent. There you go Louise. Who can forget Governor McGreevy of New Jersey who hired his gay, illegal, Israel lover to head up New Jersey's Homeland Security Department. Boy, was his wife surprised. Now we have Congressman Menendez of New Jersey again, having an illegal, convicted sex offender working for him which he bullied DHL into backing away until after the election was over.
He is running for a seat that just re-elected a man who hadn't been seen in public for about 6 months because he is laying up in a nut house and trying to work up a good defense when the Feds come and have him do the "perp walk'.

Hell, he's a shoe in.