rockhead is trending whirlaway

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2013, 05:16 PM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's fucking crazier than JL ... Ooops! He Is JL!
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  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2013, 05:38 PM
whoever it is, its on the no reply list
Yssup Rider's Avatar
ECCIE needs a spam filter for guys like The Rockhead and Whirlyturd!

I guess it will just have to be up to upstanding Americans like us to keep this drivel -- and these dribblers -- in check.
Says the loser with 14,100 posts of nothing and climbing..............

ECCIE needs a spam filter for guys like The Rockhead and Whirlyturd!

I guess it will just have to be up to upstanding Americans like us to keep this drivel -- and these dribblers -- in check. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-14-2013, 12:43 PM
Says the loser with 14,100 posts of nothing and climbing..............
Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Yssup started 258 threads

Spamaway, you sir have started 1114

see the difference loser?
Spamaway LOL I like it.
Spamaway LOL I like it. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I still prefer Trendaway!

But I will concede that Spamaway has pizzazz!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I like Girlyturd. speaks more to his inner aura...
I'm sticking with Whirlagay.

It's just a subtle one letter change that hits the spot.
October 3, 2013 |

The Democrats have no clothes and the picture ain’t pretty. Picture Michael Moore or Rosie O’Donnell taking a shower together. Better yet, don’t! Because it’s all ugly, all the time. And they don’t make showers that big.

What Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the other socialists in the Democrat caucus have done to America is criminal. America’s worst enemies could not have planned the destruction of our republic better. Unless they did. Without a record to defend, Democrats can only call names. It’s soooo Hugo Chavez-ish! Yaaawwwwnn!

$6 trillion in new debt, four years without a budget from Harry Reid and the Senate, Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious, unconstitutional actions by the White House, millions more illegals, being the international laughingstock, non-Stimulus, Cash for Perfectly Good Cars, green energy payoffs to Democrat contributors, stirring up blacks over Trayvon while ignoring massive black on white crime daily, ObamaCare disaster, the fun continues every day with Obama!

So how do the Democrats explain all this debt, corruption and governmental malfeasance? They don’t! They call those trying to dig America out from the mess Democrats have played a large part in building ridiculous names. It really is that sad. And, unfortunately, with the RINO Republican caucus, names work! Democrats have nothing more to defend themselves and their record than to call Republicans names. Pitiful. Pathetic. So perfectly liberal!

There is a reason Democrats only call names. Their constituents are too stupid to think for themselves. They hear talking points delivered by the propaganda media and that becomes fact. Democrats realize they will never win the thinking people of America so they focus all their attention on the stupids. And there are, unfortunately, a whole hell of a lot more stupids than thinking people these days. All Dims have to do is call enough names until it becomes common and the stupids of America will embrace it. Think the word “teabagger.”

Here’s a recent man-on-the-street interview from the Jimmy Kimmel show. It’s shot in California. Say no more. Stupids.

Over the shutdown, Obama has called the Republicans “reckless and irresponsible.” Pot? Meet stupid, corrupt kettle. Harry Reid has been worse! He’s called the Tea Party and conservative House and Senate (the few that exist) “anarchists and terrorists.” Think about that! This is the Senate Leader of the United States equating honest taxpayers calling for fiscal sanity with Muslim terrorists that fly jets into skyscrapers or explode everything in sight. A Senator with balls would kick his wormy, pale ass on the floor of the Senate. Decorum be damned!

The federal government, as well as the country, is so completely divided ideologically that AWD believes it’s in our best interest to keep the federal government shut down. How has the shutdown negatively affected your life? I mean, really? So you can’t watch the cute little panda bears at the Washington Zoo? I’ve lived almost 52 years without giving much of a damn about panda bears. Shut down national parks? Well, I’ll just have to suffer. I work too hard and am too poor for vacations, anyway.

My guess is there’s probably enough patriotic volunteers who would welcome the chance to serve America by working at our national parks for free. No, the overpaid park rangers wouldn’t like it but hey, it’s a government shutdown!

Obama and the Dims are trying to make the shutdown as painful for Americans as they can to put pressure on the Ted Cruz Republicans but to no avail. Because, unless one is a professional moocher, the federal government shutdown doesn’t really affect us at all! And keeping WWII veterans away from their monument in DC is just about as stupid as you can be!

Keep calling names, liberals. You have your constituents to play to. But once the dollar and economy come crashing down, there will be nowhere for you to hide. You’ll take a lot of RINO Republicans with you to the 9th circle of Hell…but that’s OK by me! Think the federal government is too big to fail? The corrupt and despicable actions of Congress and the White House prove it’s too big to continue. KEEP IT SHUT! #keepitshut

Read more at Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

You not only read a Website called "Angry White Dude", but you actually post links to articles on it?

You just confirmed every stereotype about Obama opponents. You really are an ignorant hillbilly...
October 3, 2013 |

The Democrats have no clothes and the picture ain’t pretty. Picture Michael Moore or Rosie O’Donnell taking a shower together. Better yet, don’t! Because it’s all ugly, all the time. And they don’t make showers that big.

What Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the other socialists in the Democrat caucus have done to America is criminal. America’s worst enemies could not have planned the destruction of our republic better. Unless they did. Without a record to defend, Democrats can only call names. It’s soooo Hugo Chavez-ish! Yaaawwwwnn!

$6 trillion in new debt, four years without a budget from Harry Reid and the Senate, Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious, unconstitutional actions by the White House, millions more illegals, being the international laughingstock, non-Stimulus, Cash for Perfectly Good Cars, green energy payoffs to Democrat contributors, stirring up blacks over Trayvon while ignoring massive black on white crime daily, ObamaCare disaster, the fun continues every day with Obama!

So how do the Democrats explain all this debt, corruption and governmental malfeasance? They don’t! They call those trying to dig America out from the mess Democrats have played a large part in building ridiculous names. It really is that sad. And, unfortunately, with the RINO Republican caucus, names work! Democrats have nothing more to defend themselves and their record than to call Republicans names. Pitiful. Pathetic. So perfectly liberal!

There is a reason Democrats only call names. Their constituents are too stupid to think for themselves. They hear talking points delivered by the propaganda media and that becomes fact. Democrats realize they will never win the thinking people of America so they focus all their attention on the stupids. And there are, unfortunately, a whole hell of a lot more stupids than thinking people these days. All Dims have to do is call enough names until it becomes common and the stupids of America will embrace it. Think the word “teabagger.”

Here’s a recent man-on-the-street interview from the Jimmy Kimmel show. It’s shot in California. Say no more. Stupids.

Over the shutdown, Obama has called the Republicans “reckless and irresponsible.” Pot? Meet stupid, corrupt kettle. Harry Reid has been worse! He’s called the Tea Party and conservative House and Senate (the few that exist) “anarchists and terrorists.” Think about that! This is the Senate Leader of the United States equating honest taxpayers calling for fiscal sanity with Muslim terrorists that fly jets into skyscrapers or explode everything in sight. A Senator with balls would kick his wormy, pale ass on the floor of the Senate. Decorum be damned!

The federal government, as well as the country, is so completely divided ideologically that AWD believes it’s in our best interest to keep the federal government shut down. How has the shutdown negatively affected your life? I mean, really? So you can’t watch the cute little panda bears at the Washington Zoo? I’ve lived almost 52 years without giving much of a damn about panda bears. Shut down national parks? Well, I’ll just have to suffer. I work too hard and am too poor for vacations, anyway.

My guess is there’s probably enough patriotic volunteers who would welcome the chance to serve America by working at our national parks for free. No, the overpaid park rangers wouldn’t like it but hey, it’s a government shutdown!

Obama and the Dims are trying to make the shutdown as painful for Americans as they can to put pressure on the Ted Cruz Republicans but to no avail. Because, unless one is a professional moocher, the federal government shutdown doesn’t really affect us at all! And keeping WWII veterans away from their monument in DC is just about as stupid as you can be!

Keep calling names, liberals. You have your constituents to play to. But once the dollar and economy come crashing down, there will be nowhere for you to hide. You’ll take a lot of RINO Republicans with you to the 9th circle of Hell…but that’s OK by me! Think the federal government is too big to fail? The corrupt and despicable actions of Congress and the White House prove it’s too big to continue. KEEP IT SHUT! #keepitshut

Read more at Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB


You not only read a Website called "Angry White Dude", but you actually post links to articles on it?

You just confirmed every stereotype about Obama opponents. You really are an ignorant hillbilly... Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yup and I'm proud of it, scalawag...
Yup and I'm proud of it, scalawag... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Then you are proud of whining about what a victim you are.

You are no better than Al Sharpton and the other race-baiting phonies in the Democratic party.

Behind your every misfortune, you see nefarious plots by others, just like they do.