The Canadian Carpetbagger is forced to apologize for his Bataan Death March remark

From Politico:

By TAL KOPAN | 10/2/13 6:11 AM EDT Updated: 10/2/13 5:17 PM EDT

Sen. Ted Cruz apologized to Filipino veterans for his comments during his 21-hour long floor speech referencing the Bataan death march.

“I apologize for causing offense. I should not have said what I did,” Cruz (R-Texas) said to veterans and representatives of a Filipino veterans’ organization in a video posted Tuesday by the group.

At the end of his speech last week, Cruz wrapped up by acknowledging floor staff and individuals who worked during his speech, thanking “the men and women who have endured this — this Bataan death march.”

During World War II, the Japanese forced up to 100,000 Filipino and American prisoners of war in the Philippines to march 65 miles to a camp after the Battle of Bataan, enduring abuse and mistreatment with up to 10,000 dying or being killed along the way.

The National Federation of Filipino American Association condemned Cruz’s remarks, and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans presented Cruz with a written demand for his public apology this week.

Cruz met in his office with a 93-year-old veteran and Bataan POW and other representatives from the group to discuss his remarks and legislation they wanted him to support.

After apologizing, the senator told the group that he was making the comments in the context of thanking those who had to endure his speech and work all night, not comparing his speech to the suffering endured by the soldiers in the march and camps. Still, he said, his comments were wrong.

“I understand that that comment caused offense, and I apologize and that was not my intention to do so,” Cruz said.

Cruz also spoke to the group about his own family history, including his father and aunt from Cuba who were imprisoned and tortured, his aunt “savagely.”

“I likewise come from a family that has experienced the atrocities that one man can inflict on the other,” Cruz said.
Engage brain before starting mouth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
he's a fucking embarrassment. At least to Texans who can breathe through their nostrils.

He'll be Rick Perry relevant before long. GOP is pissed at him, and the TeaPukes will take him down the drain with him.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
More birther, hate speech from Tex.

Of course the Kansas City Star, a great liberal, metropolitan newspaper, just ignores the existence of the Filipino soldiers. Long story short, they edited my letter where I gave full credit to the Filipino soldiers. Seems they only cared about the American soldiers. I accused them of racism, they didn't deny it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually they realized you were a no-account dick suck and threw your letter into the round file.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, well, now we find out, to no one (to coin a phrase) who breathes through their nostrils surprise, that not only does Mopboy Q Corneyhole attempt to regale those of us on here with his silliness but, he also "spreads the wealth" to Sunday morning talk shows with 11 listeners and letters to the local newspaper editor. He's a real one-man, reactionary jugger-NOT....haw haw haw!
More birther, hate speech from Tex.

Of course the Kansas City Star, a great liberal, metropolitan newspaper, just ignores the existence of the Filipino soldiers. Long story short, they edited my letter where I gave full credit to the Filipino soldiers. Seems they only cared about the American soldiers. I accused them of racism, they didn't deny it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I did this I did that blah blah blah.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They know me at the Star by name so you can go fuck Candy (I suspect it won't be the first time).
BigLouie's Avatar
They know me at the Star by name Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I wonder if they are the ones behind the drone following you.
The Star is a rag to be proud to have a piece printed in if they edited it must have really sucked....Snick
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Only one piece????? LMAO (thats a teaser)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You mop their floors, too?
A horseshit tempest in a teapot. Cruz shouldn't have apologized.

There are innumerable expressions in common use that are related to some World War II event.

How many references are there to something or other being like D-Day or Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima?

The phrase "hit the beaches" does not refer to Spring Break.

How many analogies are there that refer to being "led to the gas chamber" or "marched to the gas chamber"?

This was yet another example of political partisans detecting a needle of offense in a haystack of otherwise inoffensive blather.
lostincypress's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I wonder if they are the ones behind the drone following you. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Sorry JD. THAT was funny!