And the hits just keep on a coming!

Hey Trendy, America is "Trending" pissed off at the Republicants!

Way to go, Senator Cruz!

Polls: Shutdown damages 2014 GOP prospects

By ALEX ISENSTADT | 10/11/13 2:00 PM EDT

With the government shutdown nearing the two-week mark, the Republican Party’s brand and its 2014 prospects are taking a hit, according to a new national survey commissioned by a Democratic firm.

The poll, conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, found that voters blame the GOP more than Democrats for the shutdown by a 43 percent to 27 percent margin. And it found that just 26 percent of voters view the Republican Party favorably, compared with 52 percent who view it unfavorably.

In comparison, Democrats registered a 39 percent favorable rating, with 44 percent viewing them unfavorably.

When respondents were asked what party they planned to support in next year’s midterm elections, 46 percent said Democrats and 36 percent said Republicans.
In a memo released Friday, the firm wrote that “the voting public is fed up with just about everyone in Washington, but Republicans are clearly bearing much more of the anger and it is damaging their prospects for 2014.”

The results mirror those of the NBC/Wall Street Journal survey released Thursday, which found that voters blame Republicans for the shutdown by a 53 percent to 31 percent margin. In that poll, just 24 percent expressed a favorable view of the GOP and Democrats led the generic ballot by 8 percent.
And speaking of Senator Cruz, more bad news for the Canadian Defector and his partner in incompetence, Senator Mike Lee.

Hey Trendy, America is "Trending" pissed off at Senator Cruz!

By TAL KOPAN | 10/10/13 9:19 AM EDT Updated: 10/11/13 5:34 PM EDT

Two prominent advocates of the GOP’s strategy to defund Obamacare in a government funding bill, Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, have seen their favorability numbers drop in separate new polls.

Lee’s favorability in his home state of Utah is down 10 points since June, according to a new poll from Brigham Young University. Overall, voters see Lee unfavorably, 51 percent to 40 percent. Broken down by degree, 40 percent had a “very unfavorable” view of Lee, and 11 percent had a “somewhat unfavorable” view of him.

In June, the same poll found almost the mirror image, with 50 percent of voters viewing him favorably and 41 percent viewing him unfavorably.

Asked whether Lee should stand by his principles in the government shutdown or compromise on the Affordable Care Act, 57 percent of Utahns said Lee should be more willing to compromise, while 43 percent said he should stick to his principles.

Lee and his Republican colleague Texas Sen. Ted Cruz were the most vocal advocates this summer for the House to pass a government funding bill that defunded Obamacare, which it did. The government shut down Oct. 1 after the Republican House and Democratic Senate could not agree on a bill before government funding ran out Sept. 30.

Cruz was the focus of another poll out Thursday from Gallup, which found since June, more Americans know Cruz but they think less of him.

In the poll, 62 percent of Americans knew the Republican enough to form an opinion, compared with 42 percent in June, but his unfavorability has gone up 18 points in the same time frame.

Cruz has gone from being viewed favorably, 24 percent to 18 percent, in June to being viewed 26 percent favorably and 36 percent unfavorably in the latest poll.

In BYU’s poll, Utahns split the blame for the government shutdown across the parties. While 45 percent said Republicans in the House were most responsible for the shutdown, 18 percent named Senate Democrats and 37 percent named President Barack Obama.

BYU surveyed 1,040 Utahns online from Oct. 2 to 7 for the poll, which has an error margin of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points. Gallup surveyed 1,028 Americans from Oct. 3 to 6 for its poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Lee is up for reelection in 2016. Cruz will be up for reelection in 2018.

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Guest123018-4's Avatar
Believe what you want there bugtux.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-11-2013, 05:13 PM
For Republicans, the last 10 days have felt like falling down a darkened elevator shaft: You want to hit bottom, but wonder about the odds of survival.

In what has become an almost daily occurrence, Thursday night brought another poll showing the damage the party has suffered as a result of the government shutdown. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that the party’s popularity had dropped and Americans were far more likely to blame them for the goings-on in Washington than their Democratic opponents.

A recap:

--Only 24% of Americans had a favorable view of Republicans, the lowest figure in the poll’s multi-year history and four percentage points lower than last month. Another low: only 21% had a favorable view of the tea party.
--President Obama’s standing was relatively stable, the pollsters said, moving from 45% favorable last month to 47% now, within the poll’s margin of error of 3.5 points. Democrats overall were at 39% positive, with congressional Democrats at 36%.
--70% of Americans said Republicans were putting politics ahead of what was best for the country. A lesser 51% said that about Obama.
Believe what you want there bugtux. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Are you seriously of the opinion that Ted Cruz has damaged the democrats with his antics? Speaking of bugtux or bugfuckingcrazy.

I am certain that you are certain that among idiots like you, he has enhanced his reputation. But, you're the only ones. And, thank god, you are a tiny minority without enough stroke to make any difference in a general election....except to the extent that you may be able to get insane GOP candidates to win primaries who will lose miserably in the general election when faced with the prospect of trying to convince moderates and independents that they are anything but fucking nuts.....just like you.

So you go...dumb fuck.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-11-2013, 05:21 PM
Believe what you want there bugtux. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Exactly correct. GOP is desperately seeking an exit strategy and are being pushed to do so by even their most ardent business supporters. It's a goat-fuck for them and they know it. Man, it must be depressing to be a Republican these evidenced by the idiot republicans on this board who repudiate their own party while advocating and doubling down on something even more stupid and extreme, and that got them where they are now in the first place.,...the Tea Baggers....AKA, the nihilists/anarchists whose belief is that we ought to shut the government down in order to attain some sort of better specifics involved of course.

Sad sacks of shit.

For Republicans, the last 10 days have felt like falling down a darkened elevator shaft: You want to hit bottom, but wonder about the odds of survival.

In what has become an almost daily occurrence, Thursday night brought another poll showing the damage the party has suffered as a result of the government shutdown. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that the party’s popularity had dropped and Americans were far more likely to blame them for the goings-on in Washington than their Democratic opponents.

A recap:

--Only 24% of Americans had a favorable view of Republicans, the lowest figure in the poll’s multi-year history and four percentage points lower than last month. Another low: only 21% had a favorable view of the tea party.
--President Obama’s standing was relatively stable, the pollsters said, moving from 45% favorable last month to 47% now, within the poll’s margin of error of 3.5 points. Democrats overall were at 39% positive, with congressional Democrats at 36%.
--70% of Americans said Republicans were putting politics ahead of what was best for the country. A lesser 51% said that about Obama. Originally Posted by CJ7
For Republicans, the last 10 days have felt like falling down a darkened elevator shaft: You want to hit bottom, but wonder about the odds of survival.

In what has become an almost daily occurrence, Thursday night brought another poll showing the damage the party has suffered as a result of the government shutdown. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that the party’s popularity had dropped and Americans were far more likely to blame them for the goings-on in Washington than their Democratic opponents.

A recap:

--Only 24% of Americans had a favorable view of Republicans, the lowest figure in the poll’s multi-year history and four percentage points lower than last month. Another low: only 21% had a favorable view of the tea party.
--President Obama’s standing was relatively stable, the pollsters said, moving from 45% favorable last month to 47% now, within the poll’s margin of error of 3.5 points. Democrats overall were at 39% positive, with congressional Democrats at 36%.
--70% of Americans said Republicans were putting politics ahead of what was best for the country. A lesser 51% said that about Obama. Originally Posted by CJ7
Here's your link:,1301070.story
Exactly correct. GOP is desperately seeking an exit strategy and are being pushed to do so by even their most ardent business supporters. It's a goat-fuck for them and they know it. Man, it must be depressing to be a Republican these evidenced by the idiot republicans on this board who repudiate their own party while advocating and doubling down on something even more stupid and extreme, and that got them where they are now in the first place.,...the Tea Baggers....AKA, the nihilists/anarchists whose belief is that we ought to shut the government down in order to attain some sort of better specifics involved of course.

Sad sacks of shit. Originally Posted by timpage
Time will tell but I'm confident...polish that Oturd all you want...LOL
Time will tell but I'm confident...polish that Oturd all you want...LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Confident about what? You're so fucking stupid you're unable to even articulate a position're confident? Come on dude....throw something up. Almost looks like a concession by your dumb ass....which, of course, is exactly what it is you poor dumb fucking hick.
Whiffy has fallen down the darkened elevator shaft with the rest of the repubs.However he is confident they will hit bottom.
Confident about what? You're so fucking stupid you're unable to even articulate a position're confident? Come on dude....throw something up. Almost looks like a concession by your dumb ass....which, of course, is exactly what it is you poor dumb fucking hick. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm confident you will keep polishing Obama turds and drinking the Okool-aid. What a hobby...enjoy it, until you don't... Then it will be to late.

Wax on turd, wax off turd..pick our corn...slurp...slurp..
Confident about what? You're so fucking stupid you're unable to even articulate a position're confident? Come on dude....throw something up. Almost looks like a concession by your dumb ass....which, of course, is exactly what it is you poor dumb fucking hick. Originally Posted by timpage
As long as Whiffy has Hanoi COG whispering "Sweet Ass" Nothings in his ear, he's not worried about anything else!

Ain't that right "Sweet Ass"?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm confident you will keep polishing Obama turds and drinking the Okool-aid. What a hobby...enjoy it, until you don't... Then it will be to late.

Wax on turd, wax off turd..pick our corn...slurp...slurp.. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
fucking Moron!

Whirly has been cast from the front page. maybe it's time for this idiot to join him, along with the Rockhead!

What say you, O citizens of Rome?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What say you, O citizens of Rome? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider