Woman who licked tub of ice cream faces up to 20 years in prison and also possible Federal charges.

LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
WOW! Talk about throwing the book and the kitchen sink and the hammer judges use to hit their bench tables with, at her !! Is this really the best use of the public's money ? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/woman-w...ars-in-prison/
Imagine That's Avatar
It is called a gavel, not a hammer.
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 07-04-2019, 07:25 PM
Death penalty
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
What she did is disgusting, but 20 years in the slammer for doing so would also be disgusting... I see more extreme crimes get less sentence than that. She deserves punishment but 20 years plus Federal charges, that's just crazy.
It is called a gavel, not a hammer. Originally Posted by Imagine That
mrredcat43's Avatar
People are hard up for their blue bell
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Is Blue Bell any good? I have never had it. My favorite ice cream is Blue Bunny. Here's a grainy photo of the offending woman. Maybe someone here knows her. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/04/u...rnd/index.html
Chung Tran's Avatar
Is Blue Bell any good? I have never had it. My favorite ice cream is Blue Bunny. Here's a grainy photo of the offending woman. Maybe someone here knows her. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/04/u...rnd/index.html Originally Posted by LuvHerMadlyEverytime
Blue Bell is good.. try the Banana Pudding flavor, it will make you want to slap your Mama.

by the way, that ice cream licker has a nice pair of tits. I'd like to work my tongue in her dairy section..
Blue Bell is good.. try the Banana Pudding flavor, it will make you want to slap your Mama.

by the way, that ice cream licker has a nice pair of tits. I'd like to work my tongue in her dairy section.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Read my mind man!

My favorite generic vanilla ice cream is Breyers Extra Creamy because it has that soft serve feel, more milky/creamy and less icy.

BUT....Blue Bell Banana Pudding is dangerous. I could eat a whole tub of that stuff in one sitting.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Good she should be locked up dumbass , That's the problem with no respect will cost us ( that eat blue bell) money that will have to now place plastic over the ice cream inside.
MojoR's Avatar
  • MojoR
  • 07-05-2019, 09:02 AM
Fuck - I hope they toss her stupid ass in jail for this. There is absolutely nothing funny about tampering with food like this, especially as it was Blue Bell.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Blue Bell is not available here. No banana pudding ice cream for me. BOOOOOOOO!!
So we have to feed her, house her, clothe her, pay her medical bills, electric bills etc etc. for the next 20 years using taxpayer dollars because she did something wrong?

I agree with the OP, a very poor use of the public's money. She should instead be fined $10,000 (and made to pay it, even if it takes her whole life to pay it off) and banned from all Walmarts.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
There are two Texas Icons you don't mess with, the Alamo, and Blue Bell.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah Blue Bell should sue her for the cost of throwing out that ice cream , along with wallie world
DallasRain's Avatar
Blue Bell is THE BEST!!!!