Let's talk about Aunt Flo for the millionth time.

It amazes me the number of girls I talk to who are not on birth control. I can't imagine being sexually active and relying on just a condom to keep from getting preggo.

Now I kindly ask girls postpone an appointment with me if they are bleeding. My regulars comply with that request.

I am no newbie to the hobby. Been in deeper than I should have at times and had to pull back and lower my profile.

I know the ladies got to make a living and aunt Flo interrupts that. I have seen workarounds. The "Instead" cup covers the cervix to trap the blood, but is not perfect. The cosmetic sponge trick is sometimes used. However, it can become lodged deep and difficult to get out. I actually had to help a girl at 2am when she called me because she couldn't get it out and it had been in all day. eeewww!

Birth control pills. Nowadays, some kits or doctors say it is okay to skip the week of "flo" pills and keep taking the active ones thereby skipping the actual menstrual buildup and flo for up to 3 months.

Depoprovera is a shot given every 3 months. In many women, it keeps the period from happening at all. However, some women experience "mini periods" or sometimes have "spotting" from time to time. If the next shot is not given on schedule, a woman's period can resume or have some spot bleeding if she is a week or so late getting to the doctor to get her next shot.

Norplant or similar implant rods have varying affects and I know little about the newer ones. Some women stop having their monthly cycle, others have shortened cycles, and yet others have irregular cycles.

Of course, not all women are the same. As they age, their body changes, their hormone level changes. Diet, exercise, certain habits, etc. can also have affects on a woman cycle.

Some women bleed more than others and for longer periods of time. I have known some who bleed half the month and opt for uterine laser ablation and other procedures to stop the bleeding altogether. It is not 100% effective, but for the women with extended and heavy flows, it is an option. It is rarely performed on younger women because of infertility issues.

The thing is: It happens. Trying to control it can be a real bitch for many women. If your livelihood depend on the pussy not being broke, it can be a big concern, especially if the rent is due.

I would rather have a woman be honest and tell me if she knows she is on her period. But as stated above, there are a few times and scenarios in which she has no idea it is going to happen.

Since the worst of the worst in STD's and other diseases are blood borne, what is the best solution for handling it when it comes to an appointment.

I would rather not have a full service session or have someone try to fool me with the cup or the sponge; especially if I am gonna go downtown to enjoy some oral delights. For me in particular, just be honest and I will insure the money is there when Aunt Flo has left town. I will not advance the money for a future session. Too many alerts have told me that is a bad idea.

What if it starts during a session?

What is the fair thing to do?


partial refund?

Discount on a future session?

Offer to finish with other services?

add more time doing other things?

A combination of the above?

This business is not like any other so comparisons to other industries is hard to apply here.

Men get emotional about sex and some place a lot of importance on it when money is involved.

The women got bills to pay.

Sometimes "the problem" doesn't arise until after other activities have been enjoyed. What is fair?

Ultimately, Two consenting rational adults could talk it out and come to a fair arrangement. Obviously, there will be disappointment on probably both their parts during a compromise.

But this is the hobby and not everyone is playing with a full deck or has some agendas they need to meet.

Gents, Ladies, Weirdos. and Psychos?

What are your thoughts?

How should appointments be handled when that bitch aunt shows up both before or during an appointment?

Ladies, If I am wrong about some of the birth control info, please feel free to kindly educate us. I don't bleed, but I was married and have had a few girlfriends and escort friends in my life and that is the info I am drawing upon.
I scheduled with a new gal once at SCS back in the day. I was disappointed to find out she was on her period.

To my surprise, she mentioned she did have another hole available. So we did greek.

I was pleased, she was pleased and all was good. That was just one time with one provider. Maybe not a solution for all when that situation comes up, but I just remembered it and decided to post it.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Can you summarize this post in 10 words or less?
FunInDFW's Avatar
Didn't we just have this thread by a provider? That Paige thread has you THAT worked up? Seems like you're putting a lot of effort in for this/her/you...
Ain't nothing like alittle ketchup on your hot dog.
Actually, GQ, you did a rather good job summing it up. All I would add is that on Depo or an implant, you may not get your period for months, then BAMMM! All of the sudden, you can basically explode.

It's pretty fucking scary and luckily doesn't happen much, but I seriously thought I was dying and went to the ER when it happened to me years ago. Only to be told it happens to some women and was nothing to be concerned with really.

But I was freaked out enough to not ever use that method again!

One other thing guys don't always understand is that a good pounding and especially a hard orgasm can cause spotting or even cause a period to start days early. Birth control or no birth control.

I've never used one, but to guys that have, would a Female Condom make you feel more comfortable, just in case?
Bla bla bla....

Tooooooo fucking long, did not read....

I skip all that stuff
pyramider's Avatar
Heavy flow means body parts are coming out of the cooter.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-24-2014, 08:54 PM
You act as if most of the 18-25yr olds you fellas fuck have insurance or even know how to take care of their bodies.

I was never on BC until this past year or so. BC doesn't prevent STDs and I am completely ok with having an abortion should some seriously jacked up accident happen with one of my condoms.(go ahead, flame away) My cycles were pretty regular, give or take a couple of days. I never saw the need to introduce a daily pill or other hormone regulating therapy into my life.


I decided to donate eggs to a Friend.

Part of the process is a BC pill and LOTS of hormone adjustments. Let's say my body wasn't "regular" until these last couple months. I have been on 4 different types of BC and finally found one that got me back on schedule. Took a FUCK TON of experimenting, weight gain/loss. Libido got all jacked... energy levels went wonky... had a surgery... it hasn't been a fun trip.

Thankfully I have insurance, or there would have been no way I could have taken care of the $45k+ in medical bills. My BC pills are 250$ every quarter.

I am on BC now... and in another couple months I am talking to my DR about transitioning back off of it.

BC isn't the "end all" of cycle issues. Until a lady finds something that works for her, there will always be a possibility of an unexpected arrival.

Most of the younger ladies have no clue about their own bodies. They don't keep track of anything in a calendar, they don't pay attention to the signs their bodies give them. Plus, let's face it, a BUNCH of them flat out can't afford to not work during that week... which is where lies the problem.

Those girls that think it is a good idea to work with a sponge... and claim "oops", make it hard for those that genuinely have an unexpected arrival. Men who are paying for an experience and have that happen tend to get super butt hurt. There is an air on boards that ANY time a period shows up in session the girl is a scam artist. -_-

Those women are out there. Many women aren't like that.

I used to work "nonfs" on my cycle week. Then I just stopped working on it all together and just took care of my other errands and productions. Now, when someone wants to fuck me and I think that time is coming up close, I just tell the guys "we can pencil in, but you should be aware".... Usually most of them are willing to gamble on nature not showing up. Some just avoid that time altogether... Their choice.

I don't believe I have had one show up randomly* DURING an appointment. Once or twice, yes, when the fella knew he was gambling.

We are all supposed to be adults here. I think both sides need to be willing to communicate and come to a compromise should something unexpected happen. Sadly, there will never be a standard formula for "if services were rendered and then". It is all very specific to the circumstances and the maturity level of the people involved.

Geezus fuck.

TL;DR = People need to grow the fuck up and communicate.
jimmylbob's Avatar
Well said, Ze... Thanks!
roxy28's Avatar
well said ze .... i have been on birth control pills for many years but the last couple of years mt cycles arent regular at all. I could go months without having a period and every once in a while there's an accident because it may show up when i least expect it. no cramps or any idea. luckily I have never ever had heavy flo or long cycles so its ok to be honest and tell the guys why I am not available. some of them opt to see me later and then there are some that really dont care! .... go figure. They do have a new sponge that works if you are not bleeding heavily. but what if it shows up unexpectedly? or what if someone pounds you too hard and it causes spotting? what do you think guys? what should a lady offer a client if an unexpected accident happens during a visit?
This is why I am becoming more of mature providers, cuts out a lot of BS!
bistraight69's Avatar
Right, you're bloody well right, you know you got a right to say.
bored@home's Avatar
I was never on BC until this past year or so. BC doesn't prevent STDs and I am completely ok with having an abortion should some seriously jacked up accident happen with one of my condoms.(go ahead, flame away) . Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Just a little of something i am finding out now after the fact but its not as easy to get anymore, lots of doors have closed. (ft worth anyway)