Not Another Retirement Thread

Well, after being on the boards for about 6 years, it's almost time. Some of you have noticed a change in my services and a ramping down. It's all been for a good reason. I had a goal when I started this party and that goal was met. So, I am going to slowly not be here anymore. It's not a retirement because this was never my career path. It's just more of the same change I had already started. I am going to slow down over the next couple of months and transition into the next phase of my life.

I appreciate the opportunities this board and others like it have afforded me and have some fond memories. Thank you to all of you who have spent time on my table. I hope to still see some of you but I won't be taking any new clients. No, this has nothing to do with falling in love. If I had done that I would never make so precious a thing as real love, public.

So, gentlemen, ladies and trolls, thank you for letting me take up a little bandwidth. I hope I entertained you a little. I'll still be around a bit but as I said, in a very limited capacity.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Dharma, I don't mind you revealing we have a little ShysterJon or ShysterJane on the way. Haha. But seriously...

Godspeed in the next phase of your life!
Your charm absolutely did me in, Jon! Thank you sir, for your sincere good wishes.
Guest091314's Avatar
I wish you the best dharma, I have very much enjoy reading your post.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Wishing you all the best life has to offer Dharma!!! XOXXOX
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Well, Ms. Dharma, your wit and wisdom will be sorely missed around here. I say that from having had the privilege of meeting you and getting to know you some. I am certain that you will be successful in your next endeavor as you were in this one. Dallas, we're losing a fine one. I hope those of you who are Dharma clients and fans will pay an appropriate tribute to this wonderful lady.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-19-2011, 08:05 PM
Well, I knew this day was coming my friend.... I am so excited for you and your new journey, I know you will prosper in what ever you do... You're an amazing person, I will miss your presence on the board.... Now all of us old hags need a spa day together to celebrate.....
Yes ma'am, we do! I dare say this change isn't quite what I expected and not for the original reasons but I'll take it. I will say, sometimes a thing is so Epic you just change for having been near it.

Let's coordinate that spa day!
Pearl Man's Avatar
I, too, will miss you a lot. Maybe we can squeeze in a couple more visits so it will be indelibly ingrained...... You are a sweet girl and deserve the best.
I will be here until my lease expires. I will honor any previous arrangement, of course. I'm a woman of my word.

Thank you. You're very nice to say so, gentlemen. I might shake things up around here a little before I go. After all, I never did get any points...

I remember signing up right after this board started and had the most erotic conversation of my life with a man in binary, Hex and Base64. Wow. Took my breath away! I still love a man with a big brain!
damn i have never even met you and i feel sad after reading all of this!
good luck Dharma . You obviously have touched a lot of people's lives in a good way and that says a lot about you.
Thank you, Dave. That's so sweet of you to say
Oh Wow! You are a wonderful lady and will be missed around here. I know we are all very happy for you and wish the best in your life as it evolves.
It has been a joy getting to know you.
OldGrump's Avatar
476f6f64204c75636b2c2044686172 6d612e2057652077696c6c206d6973 7320796f752e

Or more simply put:

01000111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01001100 01110101 01100011 01101011 00101100 00100000 01000100 01101000 01100001 01110010 01101101 01100001 00101110 00100000 01010111 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101101 01101001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110 00001010
good luck on the next step of you life and be safe xoxo