Testing...1 -2-3....Any Interest Shreveport??

Shreveport, Hello! It's been a while (almost two years) since I have visited and tasted the many flavors Shreveport has to offer. I l've been cooped up in my office the past year or so and playing when I can in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

I have a few vacation days coming up next week. I would like to spend them wisely, based off the fact if there is any interest in the Shreveport area. PM's are welcome!
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 04-30-2016, 12:02 PM
Count me in
mrredcat43's Avatar
tornado82's Avatar
Please come to Shreveport! I'll do anything you want! I'll do all your shopping and cook you breakfast! please!
Damn, didja see those tits!? I am all over it. Count me IN! Cowboys love big ole titties Eva. Bring yo self on over here! This is gonna be fun!
Just gotta get in line ahead of Jake. (Or strap a two by four across my ass to keep from fallin in).
  • joe36
  • 05-02-2016, 09:53 PM
Would love to see you in Shreveport. Wowwwww
mrredcat43's Avatar
Just plan on staying for about 2 weeks, lol
Welp...thanks for the responses here...I'll be tasting Pineapples in Shreveport tomorrow