Whould you agree to have sex for two hamburgers? ;-)

Still Looking's Avatar
What no super size and no apple pie? Cheap ass cops!

And the cop wolfed down the cheeseburgers as she looked on while being arrested? Damn, I bet she was sitting in jail hungry as hell wishing she'd pulled an "SL" (SL's experiences in Vegas: cash, well in this case, food and dash)...LMAO!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
It's a sad day for public servants everywhere when law enforcement stoops to entrapping a girl simply because she was so desperate to eat by offering a tip knowing she wouldn't refuse if she was that hungry.

Shame shame shame. I know I will sleep better at night knowing one hungry evil criminal is off the street. They probably had to trip over a dozen "M"heads to get to her.
Your tax dollars at work

now back to happy thoughts..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjJL9DGU7Gg&ob=av3e

Still Looking's Avatar
It's a sad day for public servants everywhere when law enforcement stoops to entrapping a girl simply because she was so desperate to eat by offering a tip knowing she wouldn't refuse if she was that hungry.

Shame shame shame. I know I will sleep better at night knowing one hungry evil criminal is off the street. They probably had to trip over a dozen "M"heads to get to her.
Your tax dollars at work Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I totally agree sweetie! And NO APPLE PIE... the nerve!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I totally agree sweetie! And NO APPLE PIE... the nerve! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Cherry pie for you

It just makes me sad, the humane thing to have done would have been to take her to a food bank place or shelter, but noooo..who could pass up nationally public humiliating a 47 year old woman. It was even in Ar papers.
The big question is, if this had been a real John instead of a Cop, would she have still done the deed for the two cheeseburgers if he said he did not tip.

My guess is no.

Sort of puts a new angle on the "I work for tips" thing.
Good Q Jackie S! So, also, the burgers would be cold if she waited 'til afterwards. So, would she have eaten them on the way then given him a "sloppy BJ". Gives a new meaning to "Sloppy BJ" doesn't it!

That was just nasty all the way around...I don't judge anyone, but I just can't seem to wrap my Head (pun done) around that one!!!

Still Looking's Avatar
Cherry pie for you

It just makes me sad, the humane thing to have done would have been to take her to a food bank place or shelter, but noooo..who could pass up nationally public humiliating a 47 year old woman. It was even in Ar papers. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Oh my queen you know just how to tease me! LOL

I know LE needs to do their job, but I think we have much bigger problems than this poor young lady. Then again, maybe they can get her some help.
Oh my queen you know just how to tease me! LOL

I know LE needs to do their job, but I think we have much bigger problems than this poor young lady. Then again, maybe they can get her some help. Originally Posted by Still Looking
SL, the going Q is did they let her eat it before hauling her ass off...What do you thinck?
My gut says they ate it in front of her, made her watch then cuffed her and hauled her off!!! Cold and Sadistic is what I say...But, I
Grace Preston's Avatar
Can you imagine what kind of life this woman is living if she is willing to trade for 2 cheeseburgers? My heart goes out to her.
Shows where we're at as a country,how do you get to the point of sellin yourself for $2.75!Im not shure wich one is more fucked up,her sellin pussy for some cheeseburgers,or us payin the cop to bust her.How does a cheesburger hooker get to the top of the most wanted list??

Can you imagine what kind of life this woman is living if she is willing to trade for 2 cheeseburgers? My heart goes out to her. Originally Posted by GracePreston

I agree. It's pretty sad. But it isn't unheard of.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Oh my queen you know just how to tease me! LOL

I know LE needs to do their job, but I think we have much bigger problems than this poor young lady. Then again, maybe they can get her some help. Originally Posted by Still Looking
True they do, the saddest part is if they had gotten her some help and did the right thing we wouldn't have heard a word about it. Unsung hero's
Hopefully someone will help her, you would think so since it got so much publicity.
tia travels's Avatar

1). She wasn't starving. Perhaps she was high and she had the munchies and that was her immediate conquest/goal...was to get 2 burgers in that stomach.


2). She's pretending burgers are her donation (like some ladies say "kisses" "roses" "diamonds" are theirs) and then by suggesting a tip, she's hoping she doesn't get busted because she didn't ask for money initially for the meeting...only food (aka...her donation).


3). She's hoping folks will feel sorry for her, give her the burgers and then tip on top of that because they think she might be hungry. (Mind games).