Hobby disappointments

Outdoorsman's Avatar
I have been in this hobby for a short period of time, about 6 months. I am fast growing disappointed in what, I, at first, percieved to be a great hobby. The physical aspect of it is and has been wonderful, I have experienced so much and without judgment for participants, thats the great part. For example, I have been with two women at once and both were fantastic, and did not give me attitude that I was just some dirty old fart. Great experience and there are others, I won't elaborate.

Lately, I am getting more attitude and a pushiness from providers that I just do not appreciate. I am a person that accepts the fact that I cannot control other people's actions and I try hard not to have expectations of others. I am very tolerant and calm, but I am thinking the hobby is just not the oasis of relaxation I first thought it was. Is this common for hobbyists? Is it common for a man to be very happy with hobby and then in a relatively quick amount of time realize it is not all that I thought it could be.

Maybe, I am just having a bad day, but when I last saw one of my regular ladies, she mentioned that she could remember not too long ago I was so up in the air and satisfied with the hobby and now I seem more disgruntled. Maybe, I just need another new experience, kinda hard to beat two women at once though!!!

I am just curious if others have had this feeling as well?
Hey Outdoors......

I am sure many of us have had similiar feelings. The hobby is just like everything else in life.....it has its ups and its downs.

I myself have had great times where the hobby couldnt be any better......only to follow with a few months of wondering if I should continue to hobby at all.

You are not alone out there buddy.....you can always take a break, and come back later
gdiddy's Avatar
I have been where you are. I usually find it helps to take a break from things for a while when I feel like that.Sometimes it's been as short as a couple of weeks and as long as 8-9 months. It's easy to get jaded. Also I try to stick to the ladies whose company I actually enjoy, not just the BCD portion of the proceedings. Hope this helps.
tigerfan225's Avatar
My prescription for all that ails OUTDOORSMAN is.

Take 2 Hours of AMBERSTOL and review her in the morning!!

I got my first taste today...It restored my faith for sure.
Not all are home runs thats why we have review boards that give us a better chance at a good session; however if you just go and don't do your research some bad appointments will come you way. Chin up here is my list of get your hobby groove back ladies.

Nikki Taylor
Curious Cassey
Taylor Monroe
Any of the ELF's

But remember this is a hobby so you can quit it for awhiloe and pick it back up whenever you want to, is always our choice.
DallasRain's Avatar
sorry you are having a "bad time" right now...Not all us Nola girls are dissappointing baby{lol}...keep on keeping on and make the most of it...you will one day find one of us to be "just what you are looking for"!!!!!!!
marco2007's Avatar
I've been at about the same length of times as you. When I first started it was like a dream come true. Gorgeous young women only a phone call away any time I wanted. A blonde today, a redhead next week, thin, shapely, tall, short, young, not so young.... Then after a while the newness wears off and you become aware of little things about the girls that you may not like, whereas before perhaps you were awed by her looks and wrapped up in activities. Maybe when you were new to the hobby you liked the way the girls would take the lead and now that you have more confidence you want to control things a little more and you're getting resistance.

At least that's what I'm finding. So now I'm a little more particular about the girls I set up dates with. I now know what I want and like and if a particular girl doesnt provide it, I move on to the next or back to a favorite.

I keep a journal and in the past 7 months I've visited 16 different girls and have seen several of them more than once. I'm thinking about taking some time off after I revisit one of the elfs and make a 3rd visit to one of my favorites. Then again, maybe not
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Just thought I would help clear things up. I have 3 regular ladies that I see, all 3 of them are great, no attitude, no pressure, no problems. I enjoy the time I spend with each. No disappointments there, in fact it is great. It seems I have a hard time with some ladies I have not yet seen but I have attempted to see, I have gotten attitude and pressure to set appt. for today, I need to see today or its off. I did not get that at first and it is a black eye on the hobby. Thats all. I guess I got lucky when I started to meet ladies with manners and that listened to my wants and needs. I should be counting my blessings instead of feeling down. I have met some really great people doing this.

I think I will feel better after the Saints whoop up on the Cardinals, I will be there in the dome!!!

I do appreciate everyone's input, Thank You
Hey Outdoors......

I am sure many of us have had similiar feelings. The hobby is just like everything else in life.....it has its ups and its downs.

I myself have had great times where the hobby couldnt be any better......only to follow with a few months of wondering if I should continue to hobby at all.

You are not alone out there buddy.....you can always take a break, and come back later Originally Posted by Brvmax
The hobby may have ups and down for you guys but a good BAD
girl always keeps things up!!!!!!!!
jhende3's Avatar
I feel you all. It's hit and miss most of the times. I've only been with one real provider since Ive been seening them. Most of them aren't happy with making $$ an hour. They try and rush thur it like a drive thur. They all want to get paid and after that, it's like I wish you would just go! Where are the girls who love there job, the ones who is going to give you one plus hour. The ones who doesn't ask ten times "you c*m yet". The ones who advertise all that they do and once your there and have paid they start telling you what isn't going to be happening. And what you haven't paid for. Oh and please don't look upset because that's too bad because you can leave if you like. But the money stays! Real provider stand up and separate yourself from the rest. There are a lot so-called providers giving you a bad name.
DallasRain's Avatar
clitlicker's Avatar
I feel you all. It's hit and miss most of the times. I've only been with one real provider since Ive been seening them. Most of them aren't happy with making $$ an hour. They try and rush thur it like a drive thur. They all want to get paid and after that, it's like I wish you would just go! Where are the girls who love there job, the ones who is going to give you one plus hour. The ones who doesn't ask ten times "you c*m yet". The ones who advertise all that they do and once your there and have paid they start telling you what isn't going to be happening. And what you haven't paid for. Oh and please don't look upset because that's too bad because you can leave if you like. But the money stays! Real provider stand up and separate yourself from the rest. There are a lot so-called providers giving you a bad name. Originally Posted by jhende3
I have to agree with jhende's most estute take on the hobby.
I have been doing this thing of ours for 30 years. I have plenty of resources and time to enjoy myself and I am very picky about what providers I spend my time with. I also get jaded with some of the girls out there that want to make a quick buck with no concern for repeat business. These ladys don't last and go from city to city ripping off as many clients as they possibly can. They could give a shit about how you feel. After you have gained more experience you can spot these providers a mile away.
I have better luck in the Amps as I find these providers more into their work and more affectionate once they get to know you. They also appreciate the hell out of return business.
Happy Tongue's Avatar
I'd say Gdiddy passes on good wisdom. Some people have close friends they can only take once a month...there are seasons to hunting for a reason...and other analogies, but you may be experiencing what in a candy store is a sugar overload now that you've been at it awhile. But probably/maybe you're experiencing what I encountered: that you like the friendly companionship almost as much as the physicality and that's a rare chemistry in any situation.
I think it may hold true often with older guys who want to have time to be themselves outside the humdrum of routine.

And just as an aside: pay attention to Dallas as she does not speak with forked tongue! She has other profound talents with it...

Hobbying is your own fun on your own level, so enjoy it as you like it.
jhende3's Avatar
I'm sure glad I'm not alone on this. We should all get together and start outing these fake providers. The ones who look at this as a quick buck! The ones who lead with fake pictures, the ones who knock 15 years off thier ages, the ones who travel with a boyfriend/pimp. Let's start put thier names out there so others will know and avoid them.
If something is off don't do it. No date is better than a bad date. Sometimes competition is rough for those $.