Little Things

When visiting your chosen lady are there any nice touches or irritations that make or tarnish the appointment. Little things really that make a bit of a difference!
Good question.

First, poor TCB skills can cripple an appointment before it ever starts.

But what about the niceties? Good conversation is about the best for me. I care little about candles, music, Jacuzzi tubs, and wine. But casual, intelligent, and kind conversation is a must. One of the reasons I enjoy multi-hour sessions is so I can enjoy the conversation without being stressed that I'm sacrificing the "other" part.

What else. Well, I'm not exactly sure how to express this but there are ladies who understand the fine art of dirty talk. Not too crude and crass and not too loud. Just the right amount at just the right time is explosive for me. Must be sincere and in context with the lady's personality to be effective.

Irritations? Sure. We all have those. I don't want to see your phone, your clock, your computer screen, or any other evidence whatsoever of your business.

Good post.
pyramider's Avatar
Thanck goodness ... by the title I thought she was referring to my unit. I was thincking how would she know to comment on it since she has never seen it.
ICU 812's Avatar
I don't want to feel that I am being squeezed in between toq other guys. I too enjoy a multi-hour appointment for the same reasons.

I agree about no phone calls , computer, texts etc. All that should be off and away during our time together.

A candle? OK. Shower (with or without company)? Fine. Bubble bath and all that? Not-so-much.

Music? Maybe something gentle in the background. No pounding rap or club stuff. If I want that, I'll go to a strip club.

A clean In-call is a must. I don't want to see your laundry hamper in the bathroom. I don't want to see dishes in the sink.

I don't want to deal with your roomate sleeping in the other bedroom. Or your pet cat, dog or bird.

Our session should be about only you and me.
... I was thincking how would she know... Originally Posted by pyramider
I didn't tell.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, there are certainly many little things that make a session more enjoyable if attended to or totally kill it if neglected.

1. The lady's mood. The lady should be in a sweet and receptive mood.
This should go without saying, but a few times I have found the girl in a foul mood and her room looking disheveled. When I have inquired about this, she seemed to dismiss it because "she had a bad day". Well, that's too bad lady, but when I'm paying top dollar, I expect top service.

2. The lady's preparation for the date. A man can tell if a girl has put in any time to get herself prepared for the date or if just looks like she's going to the grocery store to pick up some tampons.

3. Under this same heading, but more specifically, I personally find a girl's freshly shampooed hair a real turn-on, but many do not bother. I can tell you if a girl has recently shampooed her hair from 20 feet away.

4. Fresh breath. I always make sure that the last thing I do before I leave for a date is to brush my teeth, twice. However, I have often found that a girl evidently did not brush her teeth and that is a total turn-off.

Cpalmson's Avatar
A welcoming reception with an offer of a refreshment is always a good sign of things to cum.

Fresh breath. I know many providers smoke, but when we kiss I don't want know.

Fresh environment, again if you smoke, please at least have on something that doesn't smell smokey.

Irritations-- Telling me you just came from dinner or need 15 min to finish eating and then get ready. Nothing ruins the mood than knowing the girl maybe a bit bloated or I might taste a french fry when we kiss. This has happened to many on numerous occasions. I want to feel like I'm the only date of the day and you are totally ready for our appointment and not in a rush.
seeker7's Avatar
Turn ons.
1. Really glad to see you, knows your name, dressed sexily, DFK to greet you.
2. Changing things up, if is more than your first session with her. A little strip tease, some massage, etc. Not just the same old thing each time.
3. No rushing. Acts like she really wants to spend time with you. An hour and a half for a 1 hour fee.

Turns offs.

1. Rushing. "Come baby" and get out of here.
2. Phone in room. I came to see you, not your phone.
3. Bad breath or stinky "meow". We shower and brush teeth for a session. You should, too.
pyramider's Avatar
I didn't tell. Originally Posted by JDNorthface

.... bastard ...