Hey! Ya'll Used To Know me as Jasmin Delights

I've been reading some fun comments in the men's lounge and I've been in touch with some of the coolest down to earth people these last couple months traveling. You'd be surprised how astonishing it is to see people of a walks of life save the proper donation to see the women they crave so badly to see. It's kinda crazy to walk into multi millionaires houses and have all your belongings taken from you when you enter thier home out of security for thier family and livelihood. Men in the hobby seem to forget that the cost of living has gone up. That women empower other women. That if we as a unity of women close our legs and say NO, I'm not having sex until I'm married to a MAN who loves me, Supports My Vision, Helps me with the house work, Helps me with the kids, shows me Day in and Day out thier Love and Support That there would be a completely different Generation of Kids growing up. I was raised in a military house hold. Dinner was on the table at 6 pm and if you weren't at the dinner table your plate was off the table at 6:01. I was raised on RESPECT, HONOR, Hand shakes. My partner knows what I do in my free time. He RESPECTS Me for My Hustle. I'm not content barely making ends meet. I didn't get Into the Hobby To be a "Homewrecker " To BE a "Fuck Doll" to Be "Daddy's Cum Slut". I got into to provide for MY 3 Beautiful Daughters. I don't mix family life with hobby life. I'm a business Women. I work My ass off to give MY kids the upbringing they deserve in this fucked up world we call The United States of America. I came from dirt. I was born in South America, Colombia. I'm a fighter then a lover. I was blessed to be adopted with 4 of my siblings and left behind alot more of my siblings. I don't sit at Home eating Dum Dums All Day. I'm a single Mom who supports Her Kids. If my prices changed and YOU can't afford it. Then go see a lower priced high volume companion.or Maybe You need to Ask your wife what you can do to earn a date night and have her suck your cock for every last drop. Sometimes we've lost our sexual attractions to our partners and we're stuck in a limbo. Feeling like we're living with roommates and Not a Spouse. Then Maybe Do a mental inventory! What can you as a partner be doing for your significant other to help them thier there issues in life?
Every single person you meet and see around you is going through thier own things. Thier own battles and Hardships. I Doubt that You'd know that my favorite aunt has been battling with stage 4 Lung Cancer and Because her husband couldn't afford treatments has had to quit taking chemo. & Because her husband's drinking all the Time, He refuses to let her See any of her family even while he clock of life keeps ticking. I've had to be the backbone to my family as we prepared my grandpa for his dealth bed, Btw thats why I knew we would be winning the super bowl. I've had to be the shoulder my friends and family lean on as we burried my grandmother after her battle to demenia. I've had to take on more mouths to feed for my family's sake while my sister goes through a soul sucking divorce.Each one of us has things we go through. Family is ALL we Have! It takes a village to raise them to be hard working, Dedicated, and precisitate in thier goals. If I'm avaliable in between my school work and Kid Priorities for some free time To Be able to endulge in my sexual needs than give me a call. If my phones at my Shawnee hobby apartment & I'm at my home apartment in Olathe then so shoot me an Email. Women in the hobby that make it, Don't shit in the same bed we sleep in. I've worked for a non profit organization for years because it is my passion to help survivers of Domestic Battery Situations. Because I was a Survivor. I say surviors because men & women both play a role in being abused. Mental Health issues are every where! Women in This "Hobby" take massive Risks to be able to attend to your sexual needs. I find myself in multiple fucked up situations Along my adventures because of this lifestyle. I'm a nymphomaniac, I absolutely have one of the highest sex drives out there. I love being kinky as hell and enjoying SEX! I don't want to be seeing the men that see a different provider every week or women off seeking arrangements.That puts us at risks. I enjoy seeing the same constant men who have the same sex drive as me who pay my donations every single time. I'm sure you see my marketing tactics have changed. I have multiple platforms on socail media that attract alot of different kind of Men. The end game is still the same. Mutual Satisfaction and A True Connection. I've had men that have never has a prostate massage come to see me, willing to try something new & have been blown away with a deeper cum then they have ever had. Being Open Minded and Willing to Explore a different Sexual need or Desire for your partner is normal. My boyfriend is a Dr. He makes Really Good Money and I refuse to allow him to support me or have sex with me until he puts a ring on my finger. Why? Because marriage is a True Union. I make him go to therapy with me so he can understand some of my emotional turmoil that the hobby has put me through. His Money is not my money until I say I do. & I dont want to say I do cause I'm not able to be tamed. He doesn't pimp me out and take my money. He RESPECTS MY TIME, MY SPACE, MY NEEDS.
I'm a Domminate women. I wear the pants in every relationship. If you schedule a submissive appointment and you cum over and disrespect MY rules in my home than you end up getting dominated. Why because I value Respect & Love above all.
Anyway. I hope everyone's hanging in there. Cause I know every single one of you is going though something and Just needs a sexual Outlet. �� I'll continue Smoking my cigar & eating my Lindor Carmel Chocolate & Lucky Charms while I listen to the birds chirping before I head to get the kids from school.
When its late and night and you can't reach me then go watch Rookie, Listen to some music, go for a walk. Do not continue to call me 13 times in a row. I need my beauty sleep, my hobby phones set to auto send a text when I'm not avaliable. My onlyfans you can purchase videos if you cant enjoy the real thing. I get up at 6:30 am to get the kids ready outside of my crazy workout regimen outside of my late night meetings. Discretion is KEY! When I'm at my kids activities in the real world DO NOT. I repeat DO NOT disrespect me by coming up to me talking about omg I've been wanting to see you!
When I act like I don't know you it's because I don't f!#&#>* know you!
Don't be pathetic & respond by saying but aren't you Bella...
Cause I'm a little too spicy for my own good sometimes, I'll ask which one of these beautiful lady's is your wife so we can just throw discretion out the window! ��
Mr. Crowley's Avatar
Very interesting read. Although I haven't had a chance to meet you but I stop in once in a while have seen a lot of your posts. You seem like a really strong woman. I wish you best of luck and hopefully we can meet one day soon.
"I've been reading some fun comments in the men's lounge . . . "

I was, seemingly mistakenly, under the impression comments in the "men's lounge" were private and not available to providers.
Boredinop's Avatar
Reading comments in the mens lounge????????
We all know the ladies always had access to the M's L
JRLawrence's Avatar
"I've been reading some fun comments in the men's lounge . . . "

I was, seemingly mistakenly, under the impression comments in the "men's lounge" were private and not available to providers. Originally Posted by cowboy_john
Hey cowboy-john. I was about to say the same thing, and you beat me to it.

Strange that she would admit to violating the rules.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Hey cowboy-john. I was about to say the same thing, and you beat me to it.

Strange that she would admit to violating the rules. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Yep, kinda brave and dangerous to risk being BANNED.
Boredinop's Avatar
Yep, kinda brave and dangerous to risk being BANNED. Originally Posted by Cherokeechief
LOL doubt that will happen......
Besides admitting to reading the men's lounge, what's the TLDR?? Jesus that's a shit ton of words.
We all know the ladies always had access to the M's L Originally Posted by KCAsianDude
Haha thank you. Like come on now 🙄 No surprise there
LOL doubt that will happen...... Originally Posted by Boredinop

I had how many violations on my other account & its still up & going lol.
Drunk men give access to women all the time. Men are easily controlled by pussy and boobs & makes multiple accounts and give access to women all the time
You can't be shocked. Man ya'll must live in some bubbles. 💋
lol band camp
JasminDelights's Avatar
Yup. For 6 months cause its my first violation.