Am I Wrong?

AlexisMoore's Avatar
So since people notice my presence online again, I've gotten a lot of reference requests from girls asking to clear a guy.

I WILL NOT CLEAR OR VOUCH FOR ANYONE!! I've seen 1 person in a year. But you want me to clear someone from a long time ago? Apparently some of y'all don't care about y'all safety. And some of these girls had the NERVE to get an attitude.

Here's a FYI...Most ppl Ive seen were erased when I took a break. So unless its someone from yesterday I will not clear you. You are a newbie again. I'm sorry. Its just how I work.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
"Here's a FYI...Most ppl Ive seen were erased when I took a break"

I don't think they are erased because all of them are still listed with their reviews of you and all of the details of that encounter with you.
Shep3.0's Avatar
Let her vent
So since people notice my presence online again, I've gotten a lot of reference requests from girls asking to clear a guy.

I WILL NOT CLEAR OR VOUCH FOR ANYONE!! I've seen 1 person in a year. But you want me to clear someone from a long time ago? Apparently some of y'all don't care about y'all safety. And some of these girls had the NERVE to get an attitude.

Here's a FYI...Most ppl Ive seen were erased when I took a break. So unless its someone from yesterday I will not clear you. You are a newbie again. I'm sorry. Its just how I work. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore

Just to be clear, are you saying you won't vouch for anyone...ever, or you won't vouch for someone because you haven't seen them in over a year?
AlexisMoore's Avatar
If I haven't seen you in last 6 months, I will not touch for you. Now someone brought up a good point. If they wrote a review then they are probably safe or were when I saw them. But men change. I know a few hobbies I saw that were fine with me but horrible to other girls. It happens. But these are ppl I saw and they wrote no review. And I erased my message and reference history.
Its halls safety so do as y'all please. I just know that I will not touch for someone I don't remember or been a while since I saw them.
Plus remember, when ECCIE went down, guys were stealing each other handles left and right. I did not work when ECCIE came back online. So whose to say in that year that the handle is even same person anymore.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
And I have no issues giving a reference. Never have. I just try and keep girls safe like I would hope they would do for others.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
This ought to be pretty easy.

"I'm not vouching for a guy I haven't seen within the last X months. I haven't seen SomeGuy in that time, so I canno verify him for you."
GingerKatt's Avatar
This ought to be pretty easy.

"I'm not vouching for a guy I haven't seen within the last X months. I haven't seen SomeGuy in that time, so I canno verify him for you." Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot

I understand Alexis. If you're not comfortable in giving a reference you certainly don't have to.

I haven't seen anyone since August of 2018, but I'm keeping up with Eccie and P411 for at least a year, because I enjoy it and want to keep up with people I like, AND for giving references.

I'll give a reference from 2011, IF I still have the info on the client. Some of my records are from an old phone that doesn't work but I still have most. So I CERTAINLY tell the lady I haven't seen this client since blah blah something, and he probably has more current references. But I go ahead and give her the info on my experiences with him; it doesn't hurt anything. As long as I make sure she knows it was a year or more ago that we met and he may be nothing like he used to be or may even be a different person.

But if it's the same handle and same phone number, and if the client was a frequent visitor of mine, why not? As long as she knows when I last saw him, and I think most ladies are aware that people can change. And even in the course of a few days or a week, a client can behave well with two providers to use as good references, and then treat the 3rd girl horribly! I see alerts on that all the time, and the women used as refs, always say they are sorry, that he treated them very well, and they won't vouch for him anymore.

So we all have many ways to screen, of course, but a ref from a well known provider who knows the client well can be beneficial. But it also makes sense to not want to vouch for a client you haven't seen in 6 mths. Entirely up to you, each provider can do as she wishes of course. But it might be better to not come off as so negative and angry, and just say, "I think I saw him with no problems, but it's been too long, I don't have records. Anything over 6 mths I don't give references for." You could copy and paste something like that in every reference request you get; over 6 mths." Or the great response that Sir Lancehernot gave you.
The ladies will understand, many have similar policies.

I just don't get all the anger in your post. And accusing ladies of not caring about their safety? No. They're just using all the resources they can to screen a client and you don't know what the client told them about when you last met.
Grace Preston's Avatar
For me.. if I'm asked for a reference on someone I haven't seen in a while my response will usually look like this:

"Hello! Yes, I've seen __________ in the past and based on my experience with him, I'd have no problems referring him. HOWEVER-- It has been 2 years since I've seen him last, so if that isn't recent enough to meet your guidelines, then I'd ask for a more recent reference. "

Now-- if its a long time regular that I've seen many times... I'll mention that and say when our last visit was.

I am often on hiatus or out of the area so I've found this satisfies the reference request quandary-- particularly since its not the gents fault that I'm often not available for weeks or even months at a time.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
Maybe its the issues we had in past with Houston that I stay hesitant to give one so old. And some guys have changed handles in last year.
I am nice when contacted. I tell them I did not keep records for personal reasons and to please seek another screening method or reference that is more current. I've had girls get straight up angry with me for not giving a reference. That I do not understand.

I'm not angry or anything. I just guess that with the crazy stuff going on, I wouldn't trust it.
I'm not bashing ladies either.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I just let them know its been so long since ive seen them.
If the handle is the same and you recognize the guy otherwise I see no problem with responding with an honest accurate answer. Yes, I saw him 3 years ago but not since. That is not giving a reference it is just stating a fact. Remember you are not doing this for the hobbyist. You are doing it for your fellow provider. Hiding behind the excuses you provided does not fool anyone. You are just using the request for a reference as leverage to boost your business. Since you asked yes that is wrong. As I said you do not have to vouch for the person. Just confirm what you know to be true. You say John Doe but have not seen them in however much time. Then leave it to the lady asking you about the guy to use her judgment what weight to give that.
Cumflywithme42's Avatar
What's the big deal ? just yes I saw them a long time ago an they cool or they were a asshole that's all you have to say let the ladies who asked you go from there
I would say yes you met x client x number of years ago it’s perfectly fine to say you’re not vouching but could say you did meet him st some point that way the lady asking can make her own educated decision about whether she’d like to meet the gent based on the info she collected
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
So since people notice my presence online again, I've gotten a lot of reference requests from girls asking to clear a guy.

I WILL NOT CLEAR OR VOUCH FOR ANYONE!! I've seen 1 person in a year. But you want me to clear someone from a long time ago? Apparently some of y'all don't care about y'all safety. And some of these girls had the NERVE to get an attitude.

Here's a FYI...Most ppl Ive seen were erased when I took a break. So unless its someone from yesterday I will not clear you. You are a newbie again. I'm sorry. Its just how I work. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
Other providers get mad because you will not vouch for someone that gave you as a reference? If you cannot vouch for a guy, you cannot vouch for him, period.

"Here's a FYI...Most ppl Ive seen were erased when I took a break"

I don't think they are erased because all of them are still listed with their reviews of you and all of the details of that encounter with you. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Those guys that reviewed her were erased from her phone and probably her memory especially if those guys were seen over a year ago.

A provider will message another provider for a reference check by giving the handle and phone number of a potential client. If she does not remember, even tho there is a review history that states he saw her (no such thing as fake reviews either), then she cannot vouch for a guy. And even if she did remember a guy, it has been so long since she has seen him, to a provider who cares about her safety, a vouch from her would probably not mean much anyway.