I guess not all bad guys....

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2016, 04:08 PM
....are black. Sometimes reading this board one would think that is the case. But it seems no one noticed this item:


Now before some of the local inmates over react, no, this certainly doesn't say all white guys are bad apples, so try not to claim that is my subliminal point. It isn't.

This guy is a scum independent of his race. Hopefully he is not evidence that the South Shall Rise Again--though he did seem to love his confederate flag. Just pointing that out as a common--but not conclusive--point.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Bad has no color.
Bad peop;e are not bad because of their color.
Bad people are bad because they are either born that way, pure evil and they do exist but thankfully in rather small numbers, or they are conditioned to be bad.

How can people expect for people to act in a honest and civil manner when our government is dishonest and less than civil to the very people they are paid to serve.

I understand the man that assassinated the two police officers turned himself in. I have no idea why he did what he did but it is criminal and inexcusable and he should get swift and complete justice.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2016, 04:49 PM
Bad has no color.
Bad peop;e are not bad because of their color.
Bad people are bad because they are either born that way, pure evil and they do exist but thankfully in rather small numbers, or they are conditioned to be bad.

How can people expect for people to act in a honest and civil manner when our government is dishonest and less than civil to the very people they are paid to serve.

I understand the man that assassinated the two police officers turned himself in. I have no idea why he did what he did but it is criminal and inexcusable and he should get swift and complete justice. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Thank you. Well said and I agree 100%
I have no idea why he did what he did.... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Try again, Dog....
....are black. Sometimes reading this board one would think that is the case. But it seems no one noticed this item:


Now before some of the local inmates over react, no, this certainly doesn't say all white guys are bad apples, so try not to claim that is my subliminal point. It isn't.

This guy is a scum independent of his race. Hopefully he is not evidence that the South Shall Rise Again--though he did seem to love his confederate flag. Just pointing that out as a common--but not conclusive--point.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Then send your message loud and clear on the Election Day.
Mental problems + a run in with police x a gun = a tragedy .
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2016, 06:34 PM
Then send your message loud and clear on the Election Day. Originally Posted by andymarksman
And just how do you propose to do that? I didn't realize that the nut who did the shooting was connected to either candidate?

I wouldn't expect either Trump or Clinton to do much of anything about this. What evidence is there that an insulting egomaniac like Trump or a self-absorbed "Me First, Me Always" psychopath like Clinton would do more that throw a few platitudes out there. At best. Neither has given me any reason to believe they have the temperament nor the inclination to actually work on race issues in the country. They are both too absorbed in how they can play racial discontent to their advantage.
I B Hankering's Avatar
....are black. Sometimes reading this board one would think that is the case. But it seems no one noticed this item:


Now before some of the local inmates over react, no, this certainly doesn't say all white guys are bad apples, so try not to claim that is my subliminal point. It isn't.

This guy is a scum independent of his race. Hopefully he is not evidence that the South Shall Rise Again--though he did seem to love his confederate flag. Just pointing that out as a common--but not conclusive--point.
Originally Posted by Old-T
The perp had an American flag as well, Old-THUMPER. Are you trying to claim that 'flags' kill people, Old-THUMPER?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2016, 07:38 PM
How did I know that it would be the Confederate apologist and slave-owner-wannabe that would try and defend this tragedy. Sadly, no surprise--it is what we have come to expect from you. You are so wrapped up in re-fighting the Civil War--hoping the south will win this time--that you can't even take a moment to write a few words to condemn the killing of two policemen before you dive into your confederate flag crap.

Classic IB.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thank you. Well said and I agree 100%
Originally Posted by Old-T

Try again, Dog.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
Then send your message loud and clear on the Election Day. Originally Posted by andymarksman
well andy the nazi youth appears. i like the new avatar. the Wehrmacht didn't want pussies like you anyway.. bahahhahha

And just how do you propose to do that? I didn't realize that the nut who did the shooting was connected to either candidate?

I wouldn't expect either Trump or Clinton to do much of anything about this. What evidence is there that an insulting egomaniac like Trump or a self-absorbed "Me First, Me Always" psychopath like Clinton would do more that throw a few platitudes out there. At best. Neither has given me any reason to believe they have the temperament nor the inclination to actually work on race issues in the country. They are both too absorbed in how they can play racial discontent to their advantage.
Originally Posted by Old-T
are they? i think one is more authoritarian than the other and it's pretty clear which that is ....

it just depends on which view of America you want to follow. not so hard. eh???

I B Hankering's Avatar
How did I know that it would be the Confederate apologist and slave-owner-wannabe that would try and defend this tragedy. Sadly, no surprise--it is what we have come to expect from you. You are so wrapped up in re-fighting the Civil War--hoping the south will win this time--that you can't even take a moment to write a few words to condemn the killing of two policemen before you dive into your confederate flag crap.

Classic IB.

Originally Posted by Old-T
Classic Old-THUMPER, the jackass that dissembles and equivocates in his OPs. You wholly failed to mention the perp was also carrying an American flag in your OP, Old-THUMPER. What was your disingenuous purpose for omitting that detail, Old-THUMPER? BTW, Old-THUMPER, that he had a Confederate flag isn't mentioned in the article you cited, Old-THUMPER; so, you obviously have a disingenuous purpose for omitting that detail.

He failed to mention he had a Trump sign also.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

He failed to mention he had a Trump sign also. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
did u say something, chimp??

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2016, 08:33 PM
are they? i think one is more authoritarian than the other and it's pretty clear which that is ....

it just depends on which view of America you want to follow. not so hard. eh???

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I completely agree that of the two the Psychopath is far worse. I just don't expect much out of either.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-02-2016, 08:41 PM
Classic Old-THUMPER, the jackass that dissembles and equivocates in his OPs. You wholly failed to mention the perp was also carrying an American flag in your OP, Old-THUMPER.What was your disingenuous purpose for omitting that detail,

You know you are correct--and I also didn't mention he has a beard, or was probably wearing shoes, or a dozen other things that DON'T MATTER. An American flag here in the US is not usually a symbol that is used to incite division, and used by many as a sign of political anger, so therefore I didn't see it as pertinent thing to mention. So no, there was nothing disingenuous about omitting that point. I apologize I forgot that some of the audience--obviously including you--has a difficult time with cognitive thought formation.

Old-THUMPER? BTW, Old-THUMPER, that he had a Confederate flag isn't mentioned in the article you cited, Old-THUMPER; so, you obviously have a disingenuous purpose for omitting that detail.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh my, you mean there is more than one article on this topic? Why yes, there was. And the confederate flag was mentioned in several of them. Feel free to do your own google search and I suspect you will find it quickly.