Fiscal Conservative Watchdog groups are concerned that Trump and his family are costing the taxpayers insane amounts of money

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I hope Trump and his family break the taxpayers back and bankrupts this country. If the costs they're racking up right now is any indication then he will do just fine in continuing to BUTT FUCK the American taxpayer. This is totally awesome and I'm laughing my ass off. Go Trump go!!! Spend that shit homie like no one before you ever has. HAHAHAHAHA It would serve you folks that voted for him well.

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch estimated Mr Obama’s travel expenses totaled an average $12.1m each year of his eight years in the White House for a total of ~97 million over 8 yrs.

LOL now let's look at Trump and his family after 1 month
Donald Trump’s family’s trips have cost taxpayers nearly as much in a month as Barack Obama’s cost in an entire year.

His three visits to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida since his presidential inauguration, combined with his sons’ business trips, reportedly cost $11.3m
This one is particularly FUNNY. His son is costing Taxpayers almost $100K while promoting his personal business in another country. Man I hope these charlatans drain this country dry.
  • Secret Service and US embassy employees paid about $100,000 in hotel room bills during Eric Trump's trip to Uruguay, where he promoted a Trump-branded building.
  • Police officials estimate that it would cost New York $500,000 a day, or $183 million a year, to guard Trump Tower, where first lady Melania Trump and son Barron Trump live. By the end of his first term this cost alone is expected be over $1 billion USD.
  • If the Pentagon secures rental space in Trump Tower — needed for when the president returns to New York — it could cost $1.5 million per year, according to the building's website.
  • Secret Service paid $12,000 for tents, portable toilets, light towers, and golf carts during Trump's Super Bowl weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago.

tweeted in January 2012: “President @BarackObama’s vacation is costing taxpayers millions of dollars----Unbelievable!”

Spend that shit like an uneducated welfare queen!!! Trump. Go Trump GO!!!!!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
What are you bitchin' about. He's nowhere near the 10 trillion dollars Obama cost us.
LexusLover's Avatar
What are you bitchin' about. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
He doesn't know! That's why he cuts and pastes, and BITCHES!

Besides: That's what Bitches do is Bitch!
Man I hope these charlatans drain this country dry. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

The only thing being drained are huge balls and you, suckah! ha!
try to follow what this man of color is saying shitstain I know it will be a big task for you but try hard :l mfao: