Nashville serial rapist of escorts

RickForFun's Avatar
Nashville Metro PD looking for Serial Rapist of Escorts. He is on his seventh victim and uses a gun or a knife. Started a few months ago but has gotten most of them in the last three weeks. Ladies, please be careful and burn his picture into your memory.
Thank you so much for posting this can not imagine being hurt by someone that has BLESSED TATTED ON THEIR NECK??? That is all you will see WOW!! And I can not understand why no responces under your helpful post. THANK YOU THANK YOU,, They probably got him by now but I wanted to say thank you for looking out.
Selenaaxxx's Avatar
Exactly thank you for looking out!!! As I am new in Nashville as well
Bama_Natalie's Avatar
Thank you for posting something that will help keep us safe. I followed up and he was arrested in Milwaukee and brought back to Nashville to face charges in early August.