Google search results of my email bring up Eccie reviews. wtf!

maxhaleys's Avatar
I email people from time to time with my UTR email I use for this site and I just happen to google it as if Im somebody on the other end receiving an email from me would do possibly. What I get is most, if not all of my eccie reviews in the search results. That is just freakin great. Now, Im wondering why would my email address be part of the google search. How is my email linked when my email is hidden from everyone to see on the site. Any insight would be great. I really do not want another email for a whole other reason but now I have to for this bs reason. Im sure there is not going to be a fix for this so Im SOL i bet. Very concerning for me.

Wanted to bring this up for others just in case and Im sure it doesnt help anybody's cover up story if their email is somehow found.

Slide It In's Avatar
Google your phone number too.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Hi, Max.

What a sucky surprise. Sorry. A possible solution:

— gather links to all of the reviews that have your email address;
— as suggested above, also check for phone number;

Now, send a PM to one of Austin's Moderators requesting those pieces of information be removed from your posted reviews (provide the links).

Make haste.

Best wishes.
ck1942's Avatar
If you use the CHROME browser (a Google product) please note that whenever you activate that browser it knows your gmail address. And it knows a lot more than that!

What it does with that information is everyone's guess.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Man I'm glade I'm single, I would be freaked with all the possibilities to be outed. Otherwise no one cares what I do.

Deznuttz's Avatar
Discard the email and start a new one. I wonder how long it would take to fall off search results if it was removed off this site.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
I email people from time to time with my UTR email I use for this site Originally Posted by maxhaleys
You should really keep your UTR email strictly for the purpose intended. Now that your email has reached RW contacts, they now can find out, like you did, that Max is reviewing hookers and their performance.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Man I'm glade I'm single, I would be freaked with all the possibilities to be outed. Otherwise no one cares what I do.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly