Internet Security

ICU 812's Avatar
Hello Akll,

I am a bit of an e-Idiot. A week ago I did a series of web searches on Google using several user names to see what popped up.

I was surprised to find the full text of an axchange that I had with a provider on her Yahoo user's group. Someone I have not seen since maybe 2008. The messaging in question took place last year. I have contacted her to use her privilege as user-group Admin to see if she can take down the nessages. Haven't heard back yet as she is retired or at least not very active.

Does anyone have a suggestion?
Interesting. .
Once it is there, it is there, when it comes to the internet. Certainly best cause is that she takes it down, but she certainly doesnt have to, and it still may show in results and would still show on archive websites like the wayback machine at

There isn't a whole lot you can do about it, other than be more careful in the future. You /might/ be able to get google to remove the search result, but based on the circumstances, I dont know that they will do it, but check here:
Indirah.Raven's Avatar
She may or may not remove the messages. And once its on the Web, it may be either very difficult or impossible to remove past messages.
Solitaire's Avatar
uhm... you do realize that these messages come up in a google search, right?

As long as you weren't using your RW name, why are you worried?