The ongoing milltarization of America'a cops...

Lovely, just lovely:

The local PDs, including Dallas PD are getting the very latest armored vehicles straight from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Trying to out gun the dealers.
Every police force needs a tank division.
Every police force needs a tank division. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Every "Sweet Ass" IIFFY needs a Hanoi COG to snuggle up to.....good times.....good times.
At a local restaurant I eat lunch at, there is a bunch of cops who come in in their military attire, they look like a SWAT Team in search of something to swat. Para military all the way.

They all also look all steroided up to. Shaved heads as well.

Civilian policeman should look like civilians. Just an opinion, though.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
At a local restaurant I eat lunch at, there is a bunch of cops who come in in their military attire, they look like a SWAT Team in search of something to swat. Para military all the way.

They all also look all steroided up to. Shaved heads as well.

Civilian policeman should look like civilians. Just an opinion, though. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Dumbest remark ever- Civilian policeman should look civilians? What does a civilian look like? Go ahead and give me the color height/weight etc.

I would assume most police officers would have intense workouts- I think we they tackle and arrest crazed drugged up criminals they at least want to be able to physically handle them- do you think a 150lb police officer is going to last long?
Every "Sweet Ass" IIFFY needs a Hanoi COG.....good times.....good times. Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey remember that time...i've biggen shoved his cock in BFtex's pimply fat ass and butt fucked him till he SHIT on the carpet....good times....good times
your sweet ass Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Awwww, ain't that sweet? Hanoi COG's whispering sweet nothings in his personal ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY's, ear!

Hanoi COG -----> <----- "Sweet Ass" IIFFY
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Dumbest remark ever- Civilian policeman should look civilians? What does a civilian look like? Go ahead and give me the color height/weight etc.

I would assume most police officers would have intense workouts- I think we they tackle and arrest crazed drugged up criminals they at least want to be able to physically handle them- do you think a 150lb police officer is going to last long? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Are you saying 150 pound cops can't do the job?
That constructively excludes almost all women.
JCM800's Avatar
are you including desk jobs?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Are you saying 150 pound cops can't do the job?
That constructively excludes almost all women. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
150 lb on a woman is quite different from 150 lbs on a man idiot!!!
150 lb on a woman is quite different from 150 lbs on a man idiot!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I agree. A 150 pound man will whip the shit out of a 150 pound woman.

As for what a cop should look like. This will do.
I agree. A 150 pound man will whip the shit out of a 150 pound woman.

As for what a cop should look like. This will do. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Is that Zimmerman in there?
Hey remember that time...i've biggen shoved his cock in BFtex's pimply fat ass and butt fucked him till he SHIT on the carpet....good times....good times Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Whiffy and the gang trying to decide which one will be pivot man.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
150 lb on a woman is quite different from 150 lbs on a man idiot!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Fucking sexist mother fucker