Age ain't nothin' but a number....right?

Ladies: Does a client's age matter to you? If so, why? Or why not?

The reason I ask is that I'm on the younger end of the spectrum -- on top of which I have a baby face that makes me look about 5 years younger than I am -- so I'm a little self-conscious about that.

Any and all opinions welcome.
In all honesty, sometimes age does make a difference because the younger clients can be very immature and not emotionally able to handle the hobby and the illusion of passion. Sometimes, younger clients will begin to think that since a provider is nice to him and is so close to his age, that maybe something more than come out of the relationship, beyond a transaction for services. And they cross boundaries, wanting to hang out often off the clock. It can get messy. The younger clients in my experience have been nightmares because they don't know how to separate reality from fantasy.
Invisible1's Avatar
I think that your best bet and experience will most likely be with a cougar. I also bet there are quite a few cougars here who will be glad to pm you and introduce themselves if you ask nicely. These talented ladies will introduce you to a side of seduction and extended bliss you most likely have never experienced and will never forget. Most love to give you yours and will make sure you help them get their's too. Plus MSOG is more often available with a cougar than a younger provider. Use search to help narrow your choices.
Slim....well put. (Speaking for myself) had I discovered the Hobby in my early-mid twenties, I've no doubt I would've gone off the deep end. Having an addictive personality....jeeez, I would have been intolerable (and guilty of exactly what you described). But that's me....the OP might be wise / mature enough to handle everything the Hobby has to offer just fine.....keep it all compartmentalized and understand the fantasy needs to remain separate from reality.
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
I'm fairly young as well and am finding myself more and more attracted to the 35 and up escorts.
They are very in tune with themselves and are confident.
Spikebaby's Avatar
I think that your best bet and experience will most likely be with a cougar. I also bet there are quite a few cougars here who will be glad to pm you and introduce themselves if you ask nicely. These talented ladies will introduce you to a side of seduction and extended bliss you most likely have never experienced and will never forget. Most love to give you yours and will make sure you help them get their's too. Plus MSOG is more often available with a cougar than a younger provider. Use search to help narrow your choices. Originally Posted by Invisible1
Absolutely to all of that!

I wear my Cougar badge proudly...RAWR!!!

Would love to introduce myself to some of the cougars! Ive noticed a lot of the providers will only see 35 and up, and as a 30 year old, its a little disappointing because I love the older ladies and my age is no indication of my maturity or what I have accomplished in life.....

Love those cougars! Cant buy experience!
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
The younger clients in my experience have been nightmares because they don't know how to separate reality from fantasy. Originally Posted by Slim.
What is this "fantasy" thing you speak of? It's a shame you providers can't read the ROS in the reviews section because then you would know that there is no illusion, every client that reviews you is giving you half a dozen body-quaking orgasms and leaving you breathless in anticipation of your next meeting!
Age is more than a number. As I get older, I prefer someone who can give good chat as well as good head. Some of the ladies I have met out here I have started to consider friends. They know I have no deep romantic interests, but I relate with them as being (to quote Kansas) hopelessy human. It is also why I am probably drawn to the 35+ Escort. For the most part, less drama and more connection/ friendship.
I agree with Spikebaby! Love me a younger man
slim, you provide an awesome fantasy, so real my senses deceive me!
Ashtyn Belle's Avatar
parties feel a connection. For me personally, I was pretty firm with my decision to not see anyone under the age of 30 yrs... I have since changed my ways. I have discovered that its all about the 'connection' & chemistry. I have wonderful memories with all ages. I believe that no one encounter is the same and should be unique & specific to that particular meeting... I am 45 years of age and make no bones about it!

[obviously, with how I finally jump in & followed my heart & CALLED a SPADE a SPADE, so that my so called WK's didn't feel pressure to 'defend' my honor. F-that- I have my HONOR!with the WayneJ review & Wakeup's asinine poop-fest]

I feel like I'm 28 yrs old, I love to let my inter comedian, closet karaoke country/rock star out, act silly, be playful and at the same time display and share my professionalism & wisdom with anyone I am drawn towards... In this industry you don't follow an outline ABC,123,abc... That's the joy in the entire journey! Everyday is a NEW ADVENTURE!
SO keep going and HAV FUN!

Ladies: Does a client's age matter to you? If so, why? Or why not?

The reason I ask is that I'm on the younger end of the spectrum -- on top of which I have a baby face that makes me look about 5 years younger than I am -- so I'm a little self-conscious about that.

Any and all opinions welcome. Originally Posted by bradjbeale
Thanks for all the responses. I may not have asked my question clearly because no one has really addressed my real concern yet (or, the fact that no one has brought it up might mean that it's a problem that only exists in my head )

I'm not so concerned about the immaturity/emotionality/unable to separate reality from fantasy angle -- in my opinion, a guy that's going to get too attached to a provider at 21 is just as likely to get attached at 31, 41, or 51, too. I'm more curious about what a provider thinks when they open the door and see that the client is really young and/or attractive. (I maybe should have titled this "Babyfaces ain't nothing but a genetic misfortune, right?")

Does it throw you off a little when the client looks younger than you imagined? Do you think "What the hell is this kid doing in the hobby already"? Or do some of you like the IOJB (illusion of jail bait.....I crack myself up)?

I'm not jail bait myself and I don't look like it really, though I could pass for 20 pretty easily. I'm well aware that this "issue" of mine might not be an issue at all to anyone else and only exists in my head...I'm a little neurotic that way I guess.

Anyway, thanks again for the responses, and thanks for putting up with my rambling.
Roxane's Avatar
Here's an honest answer. When I open the door and see someone much younger I think about money. (Little secret, that's why we are there) I wonder how much of your paycheck I'm taking. What's the likelihood I'll ever see you again. Because while they're are exceptions to every rule, young men usually don't have the funds older men do. I'm personally attracted to men my age or older. I don't like feeling like I'm a perv banging a kid the same age as my oldest child.
seanj317's Avatar
In my 20's, I saw a lot of cougars.
In my 30's, I saw everything from 18-60.
In my fourths now, I'm really digging 18-21 to relive college!
In my 50's, I think I will switch back to the early 30's crowd...
Recently I saw a wonderful lady who was 1 day older than me. We spent half the time arguing favorite 80's bands (when our mouths were empty)