Response to my "Reccmmendatio:no

I obviously can not read the entire review that was written, but I would like to comment that I was not on my cycle before that call took place, I recently had my tubes tied and had happen to start bleeding during that call. After that call took place, I didn't bleed anymore. I was very sincere in my appology and offered to finish for bbbj for a lower donation and when he said no, I returned his money. With that being said, CBass did get a bbbj, no finish but i did not accept any donation for the inconvenience & his time. So I do feel that to put me on blast that way and to put "100" in fee as if he actually paid for that experience is a little bit unnecessary. but to each their own gents.
I obviously can not read the entire review that was written, but I would like to comment that I was not on my cycle before that call took place, I recently had my tubes tied and had happen to start bleeding during that call. After that call took place, I didn't bleed anymore, . I was embarrassed and very sincere in my apology for the fact that I surprisingly and inconveniently spotted, I then offered to finish for bbbj for a lower donation and when he said no, I returned his money. With that being said, CBass did get a bbbj, no finish but i did not accept any donation for the inconvenience & his time. So I do feel that to put me on blast that way and to put "100" in fee as if he actually paid for that experience is a little bit unnecessary. but to each their own gents.

Also, My "different number" in my backpage ad is actually the same number i put in my eccie ad, i just hadnt updated my actual showcase number because both numbers are active.
I obviously can not read the entire review that was written, but I would like to comment that I was not on my cycle before that call took place, I recently had my tubes tied and had happen to start bleeding during that call. After that call took place, I didn't bleed anymore, . I was embarrassed and very sincere in my apology for the fact that I surprisingly and inconveniently spotted, I then offered to finish for bbbj for a lower donation and when he said no, I returned his money. With that being said, CBass did get a bbbj, no finish but i did not accept any donation for the inconvenience & his time. So I do feel that to put me on blast that way and to put "100" in fee as if he actually paid for that experience is a little bit unnecessary. but to each their own gents.

Also, My "different number" in my backpage ad is actually the same number i put in my eccie ad, i just hadn't updated my actual showcase number because both numbers are active.
Sorry this is happening to you darling. Stuff like this can always happen to any of us during a session. I myself had a session where I had started in the middle. Even though this was not your case, you shouldn't feel bad or ashamed. If you have a super stellar reputation on here I wouldn't to much worry about much backlash.

If the gents on here are smart, they will also read your other reviews as well. I have had a guy give me a "No" recommendation on his review simply because he thought my boobs were to big for my tiny frame. You have said your side and just let it be that.

I wish much more brighter days darling.
two side to every story, thank you for sharing yours.

given you have a solid review history for multiple years don't let the bad one get you down. I for one am glad his review brought you to my attention for the future
Mojojo's Avatar
Rebuttals to no recommendations belong here in coed
Not to be glib...shit happens right Sexy Friggin "A"? I'd bring you both a Docarita and see what
shooter6.5's Avatar
84 reciews according to ECCIE records and 2 no's. Pretty exceptional. Let it go now. Your record stands for itself.

Be careful with your surgery. ANY surgery takes a while to heal.

BTW, Great avatar.

In my old age I have come to really enjoy a fine butt !!!!!!!!!!!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
You know you have 3 of the exact same threads rolling in coed, right?
Well when writing a review, you click the new review tab, then you are presented with a form to fill out. When you get to the FEE section it specifically tells you to put providers showcase rate, so as to not inform others of a rate they will not be getting.

That being said if you didn't take his money, he should have mentioned that in ROS, keep in mind I have not read the review.

PS. With that fine ass, if you were not in discomfort there's no way I would have left.
lda523287's Avatar
Thanks for giving your side of the story, you have a history of great reviews, this one will not get you down if you keep performing as you have in the past. I'll speak for myself, it would not stop me.
One thread per issue please. Merged 2 different thread into this one.
Carry on.
Thank you, everyone. I am not too bothered now, i just wanted to give my side for the fact that people were under the impression of the donation being kept.

as far as 3 threads being posted in this section, that was not intentional i think maybe the fact that i was on my phone, i may have clicked post multiple times and it sent the request too many times or something. I also messaged moderator about deleting my improper threads on the board, i don't post much other than my Ads.

And then there are threads about why not write a NO review...some of ya'll need to get that little piece of corn off the end of your noses...

Hookers aren't fucking Sarah Lee so there might be a chance not everybody likes every one of them. Let a NO stand as what it is and stop letting the wimmin and the WK's whine and polich their way out of one. Personally some woman is batting a thousand, I'm suspicious. Well, except for the no balls for NO equation in Dallas.