maid cleaning up as hooker

Bobave's Avatar
The Strauss-Kahn story took another twist
Cpalmson's Avatar
Too hilarious. I bet he didn't tip well enough, so she cried rape

BTW: My funny remark is in no way intended to marginalize the seriousness of rape.
This guy was the perfect target for a set-up, the big question is who is working with this Lady to get the big payday. I doubt she cooked this scheme up on Her own.

Of course, the big problem is she is probably going to end up in a world of shit. Accusing someone falsely of a first degree felony is no laughing matter. I wonder if the NY Prosecutors will go after Her with the same vigor as they did the ole fucktard.

The Lady in question probably did all the right moves, got the DNA deposited, then figured that this would be like in Europe, where she would get a big check to just "go away". The only problem is, we are not as "enlightenned" as the Europeans. We take things like Rape serious, and once it gets in the legal system, it will run it's course, either by Him being prosecuted, or Her being prosecuted for the false accusation.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
This is really unbelievable.

This arrogant sonofabitch, DSK, has a long history of taking advantage of women who were then too intimidated by his wealth and power to press charges.

I was hoping that this maid would finally be the instrument to bring him to justice and in the process teach France a lesson about manners, but it's not shaping up that way.

Of course, the defense would do all they could to shatter her credibility and in the process are sending the wrong message to other rape victims that it is best not to complain to the authorities because seeking justice can ruin your life.

. . . This story has all the makings of a major movie.

That sucks.

It's like the Duke Rape case all over again.

Undermines women in the industry who actually have rape occur, and just undermines women in general. ugh!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Money always talks!
Still Looking's Avatar
Lesson learned... never have a provider clean your room, paint your trim or fix your car! Just saying!
burkalini's Avatar
Did you see her??? Why would you want to fuck her anyway?
really simple to see what big ball is staying in the room. probably looked him up on her smartphone and saw dollar signs. many housekeepers that look good will do extra on the side at them high dollar hotels. heck a weeks pay for 30 minutes brainer.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The attack was not about sexual attraction in any way, shape or form.

This assault was about an arrogant predator simply wanting (maybe even needing) to sexually dominate a woman who was unlucky to wander into his path because that is what a predator does and since France turns a blind eye to this conduct he doesn't even consider it a crime anymore, if he ever did.

Now his wealth and influence has bought powerful attorneys who have intimidated Cyrus Vance Jr. against prosecuting him for fear of losing the trial.

. . . What has happened to Justice?

Did you see her??? Why would you want to fuck her anyway? Originally Posted by burkalini
TexTushHog's Avatar

. . . What has happened to Justice?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well, if she set him up and there was only consensual sex, justice would be her going to the pen for making a false report of a crime. If the sex wasn't consensual, then justice would be for him to go to jail.

But the point is that none of us know what happened. And it increasingly looks less likely that the State will be able to carry it's burden. If the State can't carry it's burden, the justice is that Mr. Strauss-Kahn go free. Don't you think?
Please bear in mind a few facts:

1. They pulled him off a plan after he left his room in such a rush that he left behind his cell phone as well as other personal items.

2. This is not the first woman who has leveled claims of sexual assault.

Even if her own behavior is questionable, there is still more to this story than simple he said/she said.

It is amazing how many here, in this community, have made an immediate assumption that it couldn't possibly be rape simply because she is apparently willing to provide sexual services in return for tips. Does anyone here really believe a provider can't be raped? They can be and have been.

Also, it is worth noting that as a non-citizen, in a relatively low paying job, apparently being sent by her union to this high end hotel - these factors all bear a suspicious resemblance to exploitation to me.

Just my 0.02
TexTushHog's Avatar
Between the time he left the hotel and his flight, he had a leisurely lunch with his daughter. He did not flee to the airport.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Our society is so quick to rush to judgment without all the facts being in. The Duke Lacrosse case is prime evidence. Everyone was ready to lock those boys up and throw away the key. Even after being TOTALLY exonerated by the state and the courts, those boys will have to live with the stigma of the whole affair. Meanwhile, the gutless media never tells us the name of alleged victims or prints their pictures. What a fucking double standard.

Here's how I see this case going down. The whole case simply disappears. Nobody gets prosecuted for the alleged rape or the alleged false statement. The media will NEVER tell us or show us who the "alleged victim" is, but Mr. Kahn will be hounded by this allegation which may cost him the presidency of France. Is that fair? Hell no. I want to know who this liar/alleged victim is. I want her life to become as miserable as Mr. Kahn's, but that probably won't happen. The sad part about this whole story is that the biggest whores involved (the media) will get rich off of it.