i did a quick websearch (searched for "online free image resizer").
out of the About 8,630,000 results, i checked out five different Web-based applications for resizing and more.
jut dont resize lil delites
for all websites, you upload the image from your computer, set the options, select to resize, then download the resized image to your computer. those websites will keep your image for some amount of time (30 mins to 1-2 days?).
i tested a large image: 5780x4448 pixels 5.1MB
i cropped 75% and saved using best quality jpg
options provided
resulting file size and dimensions.
lots of controls - crop, resize, rotate, lighting/color, etc
==> 291KB 1022x786
crop, flip, rotate, resize, optimize/quality; Convert to PNG or PDF
==> 359KB 1445x1112
crop, rotate, resize, effects, format, optimize/quality
==> 2.17MB 1445x1112
crop, rotate, resize, background edit, format, optimize/quality
==> 1.98MB 1445x1112
just resize
==> 754KB 1445x1112