CG2014's Avatar
Everything about it here:


This is a monster.

Possibly first Category 3 Hurricane to make landfall in the USA in 11 years.

Will be the biggest hurricane to hit Houston since Ike in 2008.

Only Hurricane that was bigger than Harvey in past 12 years was Katrina.

Pray for everyone in its path especially down in Corpus Christi, which is now expected to take the full blunt of it, and anywhere from Corpus Christi to Houston and Galveston and surrounding areas.

I think there will be a great loss of life.
(Editing my previous comments.......I stand corrected. Apologies....)
pyramider's Avatar
Doubtful on the great loss of life. Corpus and Victoria are not real population dense areas, unless you count cattle and sheep. Harvey is probably just going to dump a lot of water.

Its amazing how different parts of the state see activity in the Gulf of Mexico. Along the coast, they watch and wait. In San Antonio and Austin, they want storms to hit and drop rain in Central Tx. In North TX, they say they care but they do not.
CG2014's Avatar
A lot of time during these natural disasters, most of the loss of life is people who don't heed the warnings or take shelter or still go out and act stupid:

A hurricane? It's so cool! I am going outside to look!

Plus in this day and time of selfies and social media and getting as many likes as you can on it, I wouldn't put it past many idiots who will go outside and take videos on their cell phones so they can get 10,000 views on YouTube or 10,000 like on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or wherever.
pyramider's Avatar
Those idiots are crowding the shallow end of the gene pool.
CG2014's Avatar
I've heard about folks who killed themselves trying to take a selfie: falling off a cliff, climbing on top of something high and then falling off it, electrocuting themselves when their selfie stick touched the power lines overhead.

Seriously? How dumb can one be?

Have you see those videos on YouTube out of Russia of folks climbing to the top of the tallest buildings and bridges and cell phone towers in the world and then hanging by one hand, with no safety harnesses and ropes or parachutes, and taking selfies?

I break out in cold sweat just watching those.

A couple of them are girls too.

There have been many sighting of pussy posse's heading this way to DALLAS,
trying to escape the wrath of Hurricane Harvey.

They are coming from Corpus Christi, Galveston, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston.
And they have a Truck load of LATINA's.
Have y'all read my sig. line? lol

Sasha361's Avatar
I ran from Harvey I'm a Corpus girl I'll be there tomorrow
A lot of time during these natural disasters, most of the loss of life is people who don't heed the warnings or take shelter or still go out and act stupid:

A hurricane? It's so cool! I am going outside to look!

Plus in this day and time of selfies and social media and getting as many likes as you can on it, I wouldn't put it past many idiots who will go outside and take videos on their cell phones so they can get 10,000 views on YouTube or 10,000 like on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or wherever. Originally Posted by CG2014
I had family in New Orleans and Houston when Katrina hit. While the winds from the hurricane did some damage, the aftermath from the rains which caused immense flooding was the worst.

When you live in an area that's in a literal bowl below sea level, you simply just can't move to 'higher ground' nor do you have the time to even get to higher ground.

Nonetheless, my thoughts go out to those who are hospice care and/or immobilized.
CG2014's Avatar
I lived in Houston and went through Alicia and Allison.

Houston is flat with no high ground and after Allison, where I was stuck at Intercontinental Airport of Houston for 3 1/2 days, with just the clothes on my back and sleeping on the floor of a gas station first and then moving up to fine accomodations on the carpeted floor of the airport terminal hotel, I got out of Houston.
Correct me if I am wrong but this was first a tropical storm on Thursday (maybe Wednesday?) with no warnings of possible upgrades. Then it went to (possible) Cat1, then maybe a Cat2 and when I looked several hours later on Friday morning, it was Cat3 and now, after evacuation exits are gone, a Cat4.

I would have reached out to relatives to tell them they could come up to East Texas but just thought it was a tropical storm or Cat 1. They have been on the coast for 60 years. The last FB message I got was they did not expect, from the storm warnings, to escalate this fast to a Cat4.
CG2014's Avatar
Yes you are correct. I looked at it on Monday and no one was worried about it - not even the National Hurricane Center.

Also back then it was heading West for Mexico.

It just made landfall on the NE side of Corpus Christi as a Cat-4 with 130 mph!!
pyramider's Avatar
Harvey was over hyped. News chick in Corpus is not even getting rained on, even though she just reported how hard its raining. The news dorks are having a hard time finding real damage.
Harvey was over hyped. News chick in Corpus is not even getting rained on, even though she just reported how hard its raining. The news dorks are having a hard time finding real damage. Originally Posted by pyramider
Hurricane Harvey just been DOWNGRADED to a tropical storm going north at 2 MPH ...... news stations are very disappointed they have nothing to report. It actually stopped raining in several areas. Trump still has approved the area as a disaster with 20 to 40 billion disaster relief. lol

sasha361, you have a very nice showcase, awesome pics

CG2014's Avatar
Harvey is weakening quickly after making landfall about 13 hours ago.

New projection is showing it will just keep heading North toward Austin and beyond (by Thursday) until it's not more.

The 3 feet of rain in some areas that was predicted didn't happen.

The other prediction where it will make a 180 back out to the gulf while still a hurricane and then regain strength over water before turning NE toward Houston is not going to happen either...