Republicans Being Stupid - Again!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From the article:

"Meanwhile, some Republicans say they're ready to embrace ending tax breaks in order to use the money to head off looming defense cuts, according to the Hill newspaper."

Seriously? The national debt is $15 TRILLION dollars, and they want the extra money to spend? This is the party of fiscal responsibility? Puh-LEEZ! Why don't they want to get the debt under control? It's hard to call Democrats the tax and spend party, when Republicans want to tax and spend too.

And, the idiot Republicans just lost one of their big talking points, that tax increases reduce revenue. They just admitted that they think tax increases will INCREASE revenue, which they want to spend on the already bloated-beyond-belief defense budget.

And these guys are the ones we have to rely on to help restore freedom? God help us!

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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2012, 02:36 PM
From the article:

"Meanwhile, some Republicans say they're ready to embrace ending tax breaks in order to use the money to head off looming defense cuts, according to the Hill newspaper."

Seriously? The national debt is $15 TRILLION dollars, and they want the extra money to spend? This is the party of fiscal responsibility? Puh-LEEZ! Why don't they want to get the debt under control? It's hard to call Democrats the tax and spend party, when Republicans want to tax and spend too.

And, the idiot Republicans just lost one of their big talking points, that tax increases reduce revenue. They just admitted that they think tax increases will INCREASE revenue, which they want to spend on the already bloated-beyond-belief defense budget.

And these guys are the ones we have to rely on to help restore freedom? God help us!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

not really a big surprise IMO, they didnt admit anything everyone already knew.

If the republicans were smart (IF) they would wipe their asses on the tax pledge they signed just to show the people they would NEVER let one man with a piece of paper control the party ....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Politically, I think the Republicans should call Obama's bluff on the tax hike. Pass it. Increase taxes like he wants. Then when the economy tanks further, Obama won't be able to blame those "obstructionist" Republicans.

The only ones hurt by this tax increase will be the Middle Class. The rich don't give a damn, because they will make sure there are loopholes for them to exploit, that can be carefully sniffed out by expensive tax lawyers. That's another reason why lawyers should not be writing laws.

The rich didn't get rich by paying taxes. They won't pay the new ones. Call Obama's bluff, Boehner. Let him catch the heat when the economy keeps heading south.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2012, 05:01 PM
let the tax cuts sunset like they were supposed to, then propose new tax legislation to congress structured specifically at the middle class (aka backbone of the economy) and put the burden of raising taxes on the House republicans that signed the pledge to NEVER raise taxes ...

then we'll see exactly how damn serious the retards are, and if their intent is a middle class squeeze ...

its that simple ...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I was only offering political advice. That's the way I'd play the politics if I were a Republican. Thank god, I'm not. I am opposed to any tax increase on anyone, anywhere, until Congress gets it's spending under control. Control spending first. Get rid of unneeded, wasteful and unconstitutional programs. End foreign aid. Bring our troops home. Quit policing the world. Then, and only then, if you need more money than you are collecting, will we discuss taking more money away from the people. And you better have a damn good reason.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-11-2012, 05:21 PM
I was only offering political advice. That's the way I'd play the politics if I were a Republican. Thank god, I'm not. I am opposed to any tax increase on anyone, anywhere, until Congress gets it's spending under control. Control spending first. Get rid of unneeded, wasteful and unconstitutional programs. End foreign aid. Bring our troops home. Quit policing the world. Then, and only then, if you need more money than you are collecting, will we discuss taking more money away from the people. And you better have a damn good reason. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

lofty goals. 3 I totally agree with, the rest are challenges beyond the scope of reality
Guess they were tired of borrowing.