The L.I.E.

Hey everyone, just set up this website for providers! It is in BETA mode and just getting started. As of right now the sight is for providers (Female) only. Think of it as a huge "powder room" for the ladies. The question is, should it be a public forum where the guys can see what the ladies are saying about the men with complete anonymity...?

This site is for us providers! Ladies feel free to log in and put your ideas in if you don't want to share here.

The L.I.E. (The Ladies Information Exchange)
Please note, this site is not a competitor site for ECCIE or hobbyist sites. It is a site for Female Adult Entertainers only. The question is should it be an open forum visible to the men?
whu? I thought it as a joke....It's a good idea. I hope it works for you. How do the hobbiest feel about talked about? I assume it's handles only? You may want to rewrite that.
If the Ladies know that men would be seeing their post, I doubt you would get any serious discussion. Most savy business persons avoid making less than flatterring remarks about paying customers.

But, if it is "ladies only", I am sure that many Hobbyist will will find a way to infiltrate it, just as many Providers have inflitrated the Men's Locker Room.

So, be careful. Ole "daddy warbucks" might not appreciate his BCD skills being questioned on an open Forum.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't see anything wrong with a site geared towards ladies only. Isn't providerbuzz somewhat the same thing? And Jackie I'm pretty sure BCD stuff is already talked about among the ladies, we just don't know what is said. And that is just the way I like it lol. If I'm really not good I'm sure they'll let me know or I'll get the message some how.
Htowner's Avatar
They would never L.I.E about us on that site , would they?
Addict, remember, ole Ben Franklin has always got your back.
a public (yet anonymous) powder room?
idk about that one
Wayward's Avatar
Of course they wouldn't L.I.E. Htowner, that is recockulous, next you'll be asking who was that recently banned provider that was always burning up the powder room with her love for Wakeup. Where is she posting now? As though that could be linked some how to this new site. Recockulous! It's beyond recockulous it's completely wild!
Wakeup's Avatar
Good idea! I just registered, looking forward to seeing some good info on your sight!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Hey everyone, just set up this website for providers! It is in BETA mode and just getting started. As of right now the sight is for providers (Female) only. Think of it as a huge "powder room" for the ladies. The question is, should it be a public forum where the guys can see what the ladies are saying about the men with complete anonymity...?

This site is for us providers! Ladies feel free to log in and put your ideas in if you don't want to share here.

The L.I.E. (The Ladies Information Exchange) Originally Posted by StMaryMagdalene
Now, I'm a bit out of the loop, so someone please help me understand something.

SMM just registered today and wants to create a site where all providers can exchange information. Who is SMM? If she is an unknown person, what in the hell is she doing trying to get ladies to share rather private information without knowing her. Is SMM really a provider, really a female? Does anybody know her enough to share private information with her?

Hell, there are a couple of guys on this site who I share some stuff in common with, yet I'm hesitant to meet up with them without some sort of vouch from someone I trust.
Wakeup's Avatar
DJ, stop punching holes in my plan...starting this new sight was how I was planning on keeping current on Powder Room info...shhhh...keep it on the downlow...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
DJ, stop punching holes in my plan...starting this new sight was how I was planning on keeping current on Powder Room info...shhhh...keep it on the downlow... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Sorry dude. I know you texted me to give you a call at Brooke's place, maybe I should have done that before posting this. I figured you two were having a romantic candlelit dinner with a nice bottle of wine, and figure you two did not want to be interrupted.
Wakeup's Avatar
Sorry dude. I know you texted me to give you a call at Brooke's place, maybe I should have done that before posting this. I figured you two were having a romantic candlelit dinner with a nice bottle of wine, and figure you two did not want to be interrupted. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
[supersecretdoublenotell]She's not that good in bed...I can text and fuck her doggy at the same time...[/supersecretdoublenotell]