Merrick Garland Committed Perjury

berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Merrick Garland is the "senior Biden official" that the IRS whistleblower alleges lied under oath before Congress.

That is perjury, which is a crime punishable by up to five years in jail.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Merrick Garland is the unnamed official whose sworn testimony before Congress is being challenged in a bombshell letter from an IRS whistleblower’s attorney that also alleges a coverup in the Hunter Biden criminal investigation, The Post has learned.

Attorney Mark Lytle wrote Wednesday that the longtime IRS employee wants to provide information to congressional leaders to “contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee” — Garland —and also to detail “preferential treatment” in the criminal probe of the first son.

The whistleblower already made disclosures to the inspectors general of the Treasury and Justice departments.

However, due to a quirk of federal law, he needs congressional approval to more fully describe his allegations to his own lawyers, which he wants to do before testifying to lawmakers.

Garland has repeatedly claimed under oath that Delaware US Attorney David Weiss, a Trump administration holdover recommended in 2017 by the state’s Democratic senators, is able to criminally charge Hunter Biden without the permission of other Justice Department leaders, despite Republicans challenging the factual accuracy of that claim.

Garland in April 2022 told Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) that “there will not be interference of any political or improper kind” in the investigation of Hunter Biden led by Weiss.

“He is the supervisor of this investigation,” Garland said of Weiss, adding “we put the investigation in the hands of a Trump appointee from the previous administration, who is the US attorney for the district of Delaware, and … you have me as the attorney general, who is committed to the independence of the Justice Department from any influence from the White House in criminal matters.”

Much more on Garland committing perjury at
bambino's Avatar
They all lie because they’re all crooks.
berryberry's Avatar
The sitting Attorney General of the United States commits perjury and crickets from all the ill informed leftist lackeys
... Let's give them half-a-mo to responde, mate.

This whistleblower thing has got the lot o'
liberals over in the political forum falling
all arse-over-tit as the story comes out.

They are STUNNED - to say the least... ...

... Garland and Blinken surely got some 'splaning to do.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
"A whistleblower has just informed Congress that he has proof that the Attorney General of the United States...lied under oath about the Hunter Biden investigation.

That's a felony."
