Dirk/Nash Historic Night

Satchmo's Avatar
Cool night for records from great players and former teammates. Dirk passes Oscar Robertson in points to rank tenth all-time. Just an hour later, Nash passes Mark Jackson for third in assists. Glad they did it on the same night. Love those guys......in a platonic way.
Wow....little Stevie Nash, too, huh? I hadn't heard about his night until now (knew about Dirk's since I had the game earlier).

Very, very cool they each had a personal record evening on the same night.

Sad that Nash's career is looking like it's close to coming to an end.....hopefully, Dallas has another 3 maybe 4 more years of Dirk. It's been a great ride so far.....
TexTushHog's Avatar
IT sure would have been interesting to see what the Mavs would have done had Cuban resigned Nash.