Luscious Lacy - NCNS

Just a head's up...

I traded several texts and spoke to Lacy on last week; we set up an appointment for the afternoon the next day. The next day I called/texted on my way, but she didn't answer. I thought that maybe she was in the shower or something, wasn't worried.

When I got to her incall, I called/texted again but still no answer. I drove to a nearby store (I needed some stuff anyway) to give her a chance to call back. No answer. After 30 minutes I gave up and went home.

I was frustrated because my hobby opportunities are hard to schedule, and after the week's high stress I was looking for an escape. Trying to find a backup companion during the weekend was difficult. But I've had real life interfere before; I hope this is the case now.

But as of now she hasn't reached out. YMMV.