
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I need some wise advice on how to handle donations. I had always thought the proper way was to put the donation in an envelope, and put it on a counter as soon as possible. Recently, I was chewed out by a lady because I didn't spread the donation out so it could be seen. Which is the way to do it?
coast_encounter's Avatar
If you ask 10 different providers, you may get 10 different answers. Some like it in a unsealed envelope in plain sight (dresser or tv). Others like it placed in the bathroom. Some like it labled with donation and some like it in a plain envelope. Some will not touch the envelope until after your session. Some will check it right then and count it in front of you. Most providers that I have seen are ok with the envelope method. if they have a website, some may list on how they would like the donation presented on their FAQ page.
elcid180's Avatar
I have always been told/used the envelope method and not had a problem. Sorry that happened. My opinion being discrete makes it less like business/impersonal.
I need some wise advice on how to handle donations. I had always thought the proper way was to put the donation in an envelope, and put it on a counter as soon as possible. Recently, I was chewed out by a lady because I didn't spread the donation out so it could be seen. Which is the way to do it? Originally Posted by When You Are Ready
Best approach to this issue I have seen is to place it on the bathroom counter envelope or no. She then excuses herself to the restroom before the good stuff starts to approve and put her mind at ease. Which makes for a far better time if she's not worried about getting stiffed throughout the whole session.

Every lady is different. This just alleviates the weird feeling of counting out the donation in front of the gentleman for most.
WOW! There is no call for a lady to behave like that. I guess every lady is different and it can be a touchy subject to try and discuss with any lady. Unfortunately most people aren't mind readers, so how do you know if you don't ask? Catch-22. But the protocol seems to be the envelope is placed in view where it can be easily seen. You already have some cred, so it shouldn't be an issue. But there have been times when after a gentleman leaves, the envelope is short. And again, unfortunately not all guys are gentleman, which makes it tough on the GOOD guys.
It would depend on the provider and the situation. If you feel comfortable, ask her preference, otherwise I would use the standard gift giving.
I hope I helped you a little. This is a tough one!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I knew I could count on the folks on eccie to give wise advice.
I prefer it to be in an envelope and that it be placed somewhere in plain view, without discussing it.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
^ Above. I've played in this hobby for a long time in many different cities. The helpful statement right above here has always worked for me without question.

If the provider has another method, she ought to make that clear on her website or in some other appropriate means.

There will always be somebody who wants to handle that aspect of the encounter differently, I guess. That's human nature. But the plain view, unsealed plain envelope method has always worked for me.

I would question the reputation of any provider who acted in the manner described in the orginal post.
I, on the other hand, hate it being in an envelope (been shorted way too many times, or just plain only monopoly oney put inside an envelope that was sealed). I like it to be thrown on the dresser nonchalantly and just go about your business. Im not one to throw a fit about the envelope though, just dont like it.
elcid180's Avatar
good to know for future reference
I like it to be thrown on the dresser nonchalantly and just go about your business. Im not one to throw a fit about the envelope though, just dont like it. Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Noted for future reference ))
Sir Lickalotaclit's Avatar
I wish it was as easy to get the money for a provider as it is to give to a provider LOL. I never have bothered with an envelope, I usually have it pre-counted and in large bills and that is all I take with me (except maybe an extra 25 to 50 for a tip) I slide it out of the front pocket and onto the dresser and let the fun begin.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Mina, thank you for your input. I do plan to visit you one day, and it's good to know how you like your donation.
I'm fine with it in an envelope in plain view or the nonchalant cash on dresser method. I'm so low volume and confident with the gentlemen I do see that I haven't had to worry about counting anything. I have been very fortunate to have never been shorted.
Dammit tess, i want a double with u!