How long do you wait on p411 appointments?

How long do you wait for a provider to respond to an appt request before contacting the site per their protocol? There's a few ladies who seem to be dragging their asses lately on responding back, even if the answer was that they were busy. I've always resisted contacting the site, but it's not like I can't see that the ladies have logged in multiple times over multiple days without a response.
Did you try contacting her again? Sometimes, with me, its an honest mistake to miss the email or keep track of who I've replied to. I often find myself reading the message, then checking out who he's seen and when, then reading his profile, then contacting 1 or 2 ladies to screen him and then waiting on them ladies to get back to me, and by that time I have to go back through my messages and reply to the gentleman. And sometimes I forget if I replied or not depending on what all I did that day. Lol! So it could very easily be an honest mistake. Try one more time and if still no reply then contact Gina. Hope this helps.
Can check the PM'S to see if they have read them.
When I first joined, I used the "appt request" function as instructed, but I found that 95% of the time I would get no response. Eventually I quit following protocol and just sent the ladies a regular PM to request an appt. That worked like a charm. Never gone back since.
Bassman67's Avatar
I did exactly the same thing, although when I sent a PM I usually asked another question (maybe about longer appt. donation rates if they weren't clearly stated, etc.) and worked in my question about setting up an appt. during those better if a provider didn't get back to me, I just assumed they were busy or didn't want to meet with me... if a provider didn't get back to me, I just assumed they were busy or didn't want to meet with me... Originally Posted by Bassman67
I'm sorry but if a provider is 'too busy' for, OR doesnt want 'to meet' a client, especially a p411 client, then, uummm....fuck her. Ooops, was that too blunt?
I had a problem where my P411 e-mails were going to the spam folder for some reason, it's fixed now.
JonSnow's Avatar
I'm sorry but if a provider is 'too busy' for, OR doesnt want 'to meet' a client, especially a p411 client, then, uummm....fuck her. Originally Posted by Gemma34
That's hard to do if she doesn't want to meet you.
When someone contacts me via pm on p411 I get an email sent to my regular email stating there's a message.

Use both, the pm system on p411 as well as send her an email with your p411 information inside. If you cover your bases then you'll know whether or not she wants to see you if she doesn't respond to either...

I do my best to respond asap, but sometimes it will take me 24 hours either way...
When someone contacts me via pm on p411 I get an email sent to my regular email stating there's a message.

Use both, the pm system on p411 as well as send her an email with your p411 information inside. If you cover your bases then you'll know whether or not she wants to see you if she doesn't respond to either...

I do my best to respond asap, but sometimes it will take me 24 hours either way... Originally Posted by SpanishJewel
Same here Spanish Jewell, it gets sent to my email as well...
Knight69Fun's Avatar
It's incredibly frustrating when trying to set up a meeting and there is no reply at all. I've been unusually able to get time away from my family this fall, and have only managed one meeting (thanks, Angel!) out of about six tries. Several have failed because the lady didn't respond at all to pm's that I can see she's read. I like to wait a reasonable amount of time before I give up on anyone, but it hasn't been leaving enough time to contact someone else.
I usually use the appt request or pre screen request for initial contact. If I don't hear back in a couple of days I follow up with a pm or e-mail.
I typically get some kind of response eventually. I like to schedule ahead so I really don't require an instant response. If I haven't heard back within a week or so I'm ready to move on.

There are plenty of girls who are responsive and reliable. You just have to do the research to find them.
I know lack of communication or slow response time can be very frustrating

But in fairness to many of the the guys realize the overwhelming amount of texts, PMs, e-mails, voicemails etc, etc the ladies get???

And I'm not going to even touch the amount of "tire kickers" they also get, in form of communications!!!

And then the amount of time they must spend in verifying and getting ready for appointments???

I know, we guys like to say...we are only paying for their time. But really, the amount of time, beyond the
actual meeting itself, can be overwhelming.

I had one provider show me a couple of times...without revealing any private info...the sheer volume of new or recurring contact requests she got...if not daily, several days per week.

If a lady can really respond within 24hours...I would say kudos to her.

However to the wonderful SpanishJewel...I would say double kudos to her...just because she is a double kind of Jewel!!!

I knew there was a time commitment in this area, but had no idea how much
I am not sure how everyone conducts there business, if I were to receive a message/appt request on friday it might be monday before I respond ddepending on my hours I am working that particular weekend if at all. I personally try to be very prompt in responding to request and I hate you are having an issue.
It's not just that, it's also the last minute cancellations. Going back @ 3 weeks ago, I've had appts scheduled with established providers that I've seen multiple times apiecye. Only 1/5 hasn't bailed in that time frame. None were last minute appts either, all had been set up days in advance, confirmed morning of/evening prior. Not sure what's in the water lately. Out of that group only one is what I'd term flaky and I'd half expected a NC/NS from her.