Dear Governor Cuomo

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Dear Governor Cuomo

I have the answer to bring in some much needed cash. Think Wisconsin. And a LAWMAKER HUNT. Now when some politicians in New York form ether party think mmmmmm we could do that. Well I would think some State Troopers would love to hunt them down for free. Maybe even pay to boot. I know many citizens of the state would pay to give information as to where hiding if they can go along with the hunt. Just to see one busted. I know I would also pray for seeing one try to resist arrest. And would pay extra. Now you may be thinking I am thinking way to far out of the box. But just think how low from both sides a politician will, can and have gone. And I am sure you and Mr Duffy would love to see a few get whats coming to them. And some will think mmm hide from doing my job is a good idea. This would work at a national level also when you move on up.

Like what I see so far, even if I did not vote for you this time.

a save the State