
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-20-2011, 02:49 PM
Has anyone ever counted the number of advertisements on this site? I don't think I can count that high LOL. Referring to the prices associated with advertising, all I can say is wow. They must be rolling in the dough. I wonder if the disclaimer at the bottom of every page is really true or just lip service. Hopefully the site remains profitable so we can enjoy it's benefits for a long time.

Any profits from this site are applied to server costs, bandwidth, disk space, upgrades, and customizations.
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  • GP
  • 02-20-2011, 05:26 PM
I have never taken the time to do any research on the site, but I find it interesting that they did not host the site outside of the U.S. But I digress as that is another topic. Now you have me curious and I will have to do further investigating.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm with very few employees. Mods keep us in line for free. We write/post for free, sometimes very entertaining. Providers can write/post, ads, and have to let us write reviews. Again free. Put in a free to read entertainment format. Or you can pay to get even more to read. And that more/review ROS some of is BCD, we paid for the right to write it (donation). mmmm Sounds like the perrrrfect work from home job. As long as you have a place to put a IBM AS400, or a lot of PC servers. Look at that electric meter spin. as you rake it in. Now, just how much does your lawyer get?

And most of the ads you need to start over sign up and start writing.

Hobby: I pay providers for the right to work/write/post for free. So I can read others doing the same.

Provider: I allow writers to review me for the ads I can put up. And that review is just another ad. But also work/write for free. Or is that a ad also.mmmm

lurker: na I could go on. Sex sells. As a lurker not even into having sex pays to read smut. Then click on a ad to read more.

I would want to check the profit after the expanses before getting that first server that you hope leads to a server farm or mainframe(or even buy cycle time and server space) . For it can not be as simple and cheap as it sounds. Otherwise I would be setting on a AS400 now. But my old IBM laptop still works.

edit: just as Now I Know hehehe: do not forget the cost of that water for the water cooled cpu. Or the 24/7 air conditioning even in winter for that server farm. I wounder what a used 3090 would go for, na they suck up way to much power and space. think newer.
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  • GP
  • 02-20-2011, 06:54 PM
OSD, I think you are over estimating the server used to run this site by quite a bit. I think your knowledge of websites is a bit out of date. I guarantee they run this site from ONE server. It is through a host at a datacenter with MANY other web sites located there as well. A simple quad core computer could run this. It is just v-bulletin (modified) and a MySql database. Not very complex. I would bet their biggest expense is the bandwidth because of the traffic this site has. If you do some research at web hosting companies, you will find hosting packages are reasonably priced. Heck, I used to have a dedicated server for less than 200 per month, but the bandwidth requirements I had were minimal.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ya I am a burnt out old glass house guy. If you can run on one sever. Two if you want a echo backup. Then there has to be something that keeps the market from being over flooded. Or more so than is. Not even thinking of the dumb luck factor.