License Plates...For Your Bike??

offshoredrilling's Avatar
License Plates...For Your Bike??

For a bicycle!!!!! give me a break NYS
Be thankful that you do not live in the UK, where you have a pay a license fee of $236 a year just to own and use a TV! They used to have a similar annual fee for owning a radio.
roscoe14850's Avatar
You have got to be f@&$ing kidding me! Next up is tax evasion charges against the kids with the lemonade stands.
smokey1187's Avatar
I'll take England fee for my TV then my $180 time warner bill
brutusbluto's Avatar
Be thankful that you do not live in the UK, where you have a pay a license fee of $236 a year just to own and use a TV! They used to have a similar annual fee for owning a radio. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
  • LynnT
  • 03-01-2011, 09:59 PM
NY wants something for everything! lol

I could careless about TV.. I watch my shows on the net.. but my music/radio I could not live without.. I guess I would have to pay out! lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well the UK still as a heart. "Licences are half price for the legally blind." per jacks link. (but then would that be another Radio to them)

NYS it would be mmm maybe 20% off.

Fees are for the BBC. mmmm PBS mmmm.
jymie is right shhhhhhhhh
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Bike Licensing Proposal Withdrawn

good, not if they drop the every gun license. yes even BB and pellet.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Unbelievable, instead of taxing us to death lets attack other things for money. Next they will be taxing us for having a Television, a refridgerator, a bed and a door to close when your in the bathroom. Hell, now that they are raping us at the gas pumps, why not charge us a fee for every day we dont drive our car too. Maybe they can make all appliances come with a swip card slot so you have to swipe it to be charged to use them too. WTF...The last one out of NY please make sure you turn out the lights.
roscoe14850's Avatar
Bike Licensing Proposal Withdrawn

good, not if they drop the every gun license. yes even BB and pellet. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Don't get me started on guns! Ammo is expensive enough, about $1 a bullet for my .243 Winchester. Now you want to tax me to own it? I'm sorry I must have lost it the last time I went hunting.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Shhhhh I'm hiding my 30-30rounds, and the marlin I use them in.
roscoe14850's Avatar
I'm gonna start hoarding ammo as a commodity, value keeps going up!