NCNS with R*ckC*ty1*23 & VERY weird outcome!

BabyDallass's Avatar
I set up an appoinment with R*ckC*ty!*23 for 10 P.M. with my new friend Eve to see him at his place. I texted him around 9:45 to let him know she is on her way….No response….I then call him and his phone is off and is going straight to VM. I try a few more times and still the same thing…..Eve calls me and tells me she has arrived at his location. She said it was a really bad neighborhood and it made her nervous. He sent me text after text asking about her before the date, and for his to do this is just plain rude…..Eve now is scared out of her mind because of it! It gets worse…So after she leaves the area of which he told her to go to, She gets pulled over by a cop! He asks her why is she in this bad area, and that neighbors are calling her in saying she was patrolling the area!! So weird that he set her up like that and THEN she gets pulled over by the cops?!?!

Men like him are what keep NEW fresh faces away from the hobby…..Eve is now questioning EC guys, and I have told her that they are normally the BEST ones! This was a major disappointment, and even though I know they happen more often than we know, but hopefully if we put it out there when guys like him to this then they will not keep getting away with it….

So heads up ladies, do NOT waste your time with him, She drove an hour and 20 minutes for NOTHING. I really would like to hear his side, since he STILL has not said anything….
Danielle Reid's Avatar
He PM'd me the other day as if he wanted to set up a date then stopped responding. Glad I dodged that bullet. It sucks he flaked out on you friend though
BabyDallass's Avatar
Yea it sucks for her I don't want her to think they are all like that! She is skeptical now about the hobby guys. He seemed strange when he was texting me I should of took that as a sign but I didn't ...I just would like some kind of response from him, still nothing seems odd...
His references checked out ok?
BabyDallass's Avatar
Yes he had two, Selena and lolahhh
Danielle Reid's Avatar
There's no excuse that will make up for the rudeness but maybe he'll jump in and defend himself. He wrote a review about Selena so at least he's a real person
BabyDallass's Avatar
There's no excuse that will make up for the rudeness but maybe he'll jump in and defend himself. He wrote a review about Selena so at least he's a real person Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Yes it was very rude and he still hasn't said anything...I'll give him a little bit, but after a couple days your on the DNS list...
BabyDallass's Avatar
His profile shows he was active on here at 2:55 today....yea he is full of it is what it seems like to me...I should of known by his references not to mess with it....lesson learned for next time...
That WAS a weird outcome! It started off as a ncns report, and quickly turned into taking shots at other providers.
Sorry about what happened with Eve, though.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Not taking shots, I just know that some references hold more credit and weight than others...that's all...
Danielle Reid's Avatar
That WAS a weird outcome! It started off as a ncns report, and quickly turned into taking shots at other providers.
Sorry about what happened with Eve, though. Originally Posted by NWAUser
I don't see shots taken, please stop trying to rile up unneeded drama
Maybe Eve needs her own p411 account then I would be interested until then no thanks
Well I think we have our drama thread of the holidays...welcome back BD...smh
Lonesome's Avatar
I don't see shots taken, please stop trying to rile up unneeded drama Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
I apologize for not getting back to this in a timely manner but I have sent Dallas a pm with the reasons for this. I will never blame Dallas as it was def on my end, but it's hard to not get spooked when a state trooper is driving up and down your road at the time of the scheduled arraignment when cops never patrol my area. And it didn't help that eve only has 1 review and no showcase or p411 account, so if someone was put in my shoes then they may understand the need for concern! Again, not blaming Dallas or anything like that, but it would make one like myself feel extremely more comftorable if I didn't have to talk directly to Dallas about eve, I would rather have Eve's number and talk to her directly, which never happened. Every contact about eve was done through dallas, don't take that in the wrong way sorry it sounds kinda rude when you read it out loud lol