Sister supposedly needs surgery

I don't know if this a coed discussion or alert. A provider who I won't mention at the moment that I screened with in February but never met emailed me asking for a loan for surgery for her sister. I'm ignoring it but thought I'd let others know. I will save the loan to see my ATF.
  • hd
  • 05-05-2015, 08:55 AM
Obamacare is working !
Sounds to me like a scam, but tell her that she can get the money she needs by doing a few appointment sessions, especially if she is a VP on this site, and then she will not have to pay the loan back (not that she would to begin with). You really should not have even started the thread since you do not wish to reveal her name and keep her secret, so then she can move on to the next guy and maybe he might, or he might fall for it and can thank you in the process for not sharing what could possibly be valuable intel on a provider.

Edit: If her account has been hacked (as it happens here and with email accounts every now and again), she would be alerted by mentioning her name, then she can let everyone know what is going on. This may be her:
TinMan's Avatar
Here's the answer, from the National forum:
Its a common scam and not just here. Keep in mind it may not even be her. It could just as easily be someone who has infected her computer with a worm or remote access or hacked her email. It would not be a bad thing to email her directly (not by replying to the email you received) and let her know you received the email and her computer may be infected.

Helpful Hint:
If your using IE, and have the status bar turned on, you can mouse over her email name and see at the bottom left corner if it really is from her. This is also handy for checking links, etc. in an email or on a website. Links can be renamed to look like what ever they think will trick you into clicking on it. Try mouseing over a users name here and it will show you their member # as an example.
hemiman's Avatar
Sounds to me like a scam, but tell her that she can get the money she needs by doing a few appointment sessions, especially if she is a VP on this site, Originally Posted by davidfree986

There was a provider here last year that requested help for someone else. I recommended on the thread that she do a special to get extra business & donate that money. My recommendation was not too loiked on that thread by anyone but me.
I got the same email and spoke with her about it. It's not her. Someone hacked her email - downloaded her contacts- and then created a similar email address, pretending to be her.
I wrote back not knowing it wasn't her and now the guy has my email! Please know I would never ask anyone for money, not that I've had any reports about my email being used.. But still, I'm glad you posted this warning.
doug_dfw's Avatar
cyrax's Avatar
  • cyrax
  • 05-05-2015, 06:19 PM
It sounds like scam. I don't know 100% of the story, but surely she must have other means to get surgery money instead of asking loans from clients.