How Rates Are Determine

suiram77's Avatar
Hey ladies I was just curious how you all decide your
Worth for your time by Half Hour and Hour sessions.

We all have seen different rates by HH and hour for different
Providers so I was just curious how one lady may be $150
For HH and $250 for an hour and another lady may be $200
For HH and $350 or more for and hour and then the most
Common $120 HH and $180 and hour.

I was wondering if maybe some go by services
Or years of experience in the hobby or just simply
What ever is the current going demand in that city
You work in. Ladies chime in if you like and
Share how you decide your current session rates
By HH and Hour thanks in advance to all that comment.

Every one Hobby smart and safe out there.
suiram77's Avatar
What had me thinking about this was I seen a lady before
And her Hour rate was only $150 and I told her I didn't
Think she was charging enough because her services
And looks was top 10 she was very classy. I also have
Seen a very high end $500 and up provider that I
Thought services needed a lot of work for the money
She was asking in her hour sessions.

It got me wondering just how do a lady price her services
For her sessions And her time even though time is time for all.
pmdelites's Avatar
"why does a porridge bird lays its eggs in the air?"
who knows how they set them. and as soon as you think you've found a general pattern/process, there'll be 5-10 more w/a completely diff process.
a provider charges what she wants, sees who she wants, works when she wants, and does as little as she wants for as much as she can get.
a client pays what he wants, sees who he wants, visits when he wants, and gets as much as he wants for as little as he can pay.
maxim_232's Avatar
I think it's a lot like Pawn Stars on the History Channel. Someone looks up what someone's asking price is online, decides they are hotter, cuter, younger, fuck better, etc. and figures they should get a least that much. At some point reality and disappointment set in.
I was going to answer this, as I've seen this question asked many times. And then I got to thinking, it's very rare to see other non sex work service providers being compelled to divulge the reasoning behind what they charge.
Every provider is different
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Every provider is different Originally Posted by Rose Vintage
suiram77's Avatar
Every provider is different Originally Posted by Rose Vintage
Hey Rose ok I know that every provider is different that is
Why I started the thread to ask how you ladies decide your

For an example I will use two ladies that I see comment
On threads often. Ms BBW Katrina is $200 an hour and
Ms. Jules jaguar is $250 an hour, So how did BBW Katrina
Decide that $200 will be her rate for an hour and Jules Jaguar
Said $250 will be her rate for the same hour is all I am asking
Just curious how that work and thanks for the feedback.
suiram77's Avatar
I'm sure like I already said that it could be
The services a lady offers or experience and
Years in the hobby or the going rate for that
City she lives in but just wanted know if any
One of these ways was how the ladies in
Dallas decided her rates that's all.

Thanks anyway
Hercules's Avatar
Darts and ouija boards. It's very technical.
dodger's Avatar
Hey ladies I was just curious how you all decide your worth for your time by Half Hour and Hour sessions. Originally Posted by suiram77
uhh .... i don't care about any methodology are rationale used. i care about the result. i also would never discuss a lady's rate with her or even comment on it. frankly ... i think your elevator is not running to the top floors.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
There are way too many answers to this question

I've played with my rates over the years, ive ran specials lowered my rates ect.

In my personal experience running specials does not really effect the volume of appointments. Really all it does is change the quality of clients that visit me.

When I've run specials I've had some of my worst hobby expieriences. There is definitely a difference in the 150/200 clients and the 200/250+ clients which is interesting to me being its only a 50buck difference.

Also when my rates were lower i would get more hagglers than ever which again is interesting and I can't explain why it's just the way things are I guess.

My Incall is very nice and with that being said its not cheap to keep. My rates now enable me to maintain things there and still be able to make a profit.

Sometimes I don't think guys look at the business side of things for us. Many of us have two sets of bills home and Incall. I think the ladies who have their shit together a safe Incall and provide a good service should be able to set their rates as they see fit.

These are just my personal experiences. Every lady is different and so are there reasons for charging what they please.
  • grean
  • 12-08-2015, 10:20 AM
Depends on mgmt.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Depends on mgmt. Originally Posted by grean
Not all ladies are managed... Ha!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-08-2015, 10:27 AM
There seems to be no regulation on rates and the clients need to research who deserves what providers ask for. there's a lot of providers in this site that their big mouths turn guys off.

I myself value looks like a pretty face, a nice body, a youthful provider is worth her rate in my book, great skills and being able to satisfy the lil guy with great service, attitude is a big one, if you're a bitch all the other things don't matter but this industry runs on hooker math so what do I know lol .