Lets conduct an experiment here in the sand box

LovingKayla's Avatar
First let's get a list of Different radio shows and news programs. The experiment is to see if the other side is really as bad as one assumes.

Around here, if a lefty hears something like Rush, or Beck you automatically and unconsciously dismiss whatever the information is because it comes from someone you have been programed to dismiss.

If you guys on the left could have those on the right listen to ONE voice on your side and really hear what they had to say, who would it be? I'm game to listen to the entirety of the show and come back with notes. I'm sure, based on how much time we all seem to spend in here, we could all go a bit out of our way to hear the other side and then list reasons we did or did not agree.

I know it's hard to get through a whole show hearing a voice you can't stand, but think of what we could learn together!!

I will of course offer up Glenn Beck (to be heard in his entireity, not just a snip the left took out of context.) The shows at night are the most informative. You'll need to sign up for GBTV.com and then cancel after you do the show. I will personally bow to anyone that has the balls for this experiment.

What voice from the left do you want me to hear? I'll listen to whomever the group agrees is the best voice to speak.

Any other voices or shows guys? Are we actually the people we claim we are or are we just political zombies that like to throw sand? I'm down for either one with this crew, but I'm hoping there is substance behind the handles.

Anyone want to take part in this? And COG don't dog them before they decide. Maybe we can all learn something? We have to try and find middle ground or we are all the people we say we hate.
joe bloe's Avatar
While I'm waiting for the lefties to post their suggestions, I thought I would get ready for the experiment by going on the left's favorite web site as a kind of warm up.

I am in.........
pantsontheground's Avatar
Obama still sucks.
Wakeup's Avatar
Have them listen to me...I'm all knowing...and my refrigerator is awesome...
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama still sucks. Originally Posted by pantsontheground
It's important to stay on message. Repetition is critical.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Kayla, you misunderstand me. I won't "dog" them, that's not even appealing. Now dogging you . . . well, that's another story.

Honestly, I doubt there is much to learn from listening to Glenn Beck. Rush, Hannity, Ed Shultz, Rachel Maddow, Alan Colmes and pretty much anyone on MSM. They usually just regurgitate the talking points they're given. But I'll play, as long as the show isn't on cable. I don't have cable.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I didn't intend for this to turn in to a Glenn Beck thread (it's very interesting how that happens though. He must have power I don't know about.)

COG, I'd be willing to have a wager with you. If you listen to GB show 3 out of 5 nights and don't believe he actually is someone worth listening too and learning from, I'll give you a free session. If I win, you get me dinner.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're on, Kayla! Either way, I win! It's on GBTV, right? I will check it out.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Get the shows at night that start at 5 I think. I always watch the recorded version because I'm never home when they start. There's something else called the real news that will blow your socks off.
waverunner234's Avatar
I didn't intend for this to turn in to a Glenn Beck thread (it's very interesting how that happens though. He must have power I don't know about.)

COG, I'd be willing to have a wager with you. If you listen to GB show 3 out of 5 nights and don't believe he actually is someone worth listening too and learning from, I'll give you a free session. If I win, you get me dinner. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Glad you didn't offer that one to me, it would cost me a ticket to Dallas to get my game.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I'm contemplating this wager...
However, it may well cause a cerebral hematoma and cause my ears to bleed from the utter rubbish I'm hearing;-)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But Libdev, wouldn't it be reassuring to know that you actually had a brain? I mean, there is a question about that. Might be nice to know for sure.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Touche' mate.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-23-2012, 12:00 PM
Ive listened to Hannity, Rush, Beck et al

Ive also listened to the Ed show and Larry Od

Im smart enough to know I dont need to continue the experiment to determine what a bunch of human political talking point parrots can do to not impress me in the least.

When Beck was on the carpet with Fox, I read an Interview with a Fox Broadcast Exec (cant remember the name or chapter and verse to quote him) who was talking about the direction News Television was going ... keep in mind this had nothing to do with Beck,Hannity or anything of a political nature, just the venue itself ... I clearly remember him talking about the public apathy for the same tired rhetoric, day in day out, and in the not too distant future the industry as a whole would start planning to find other formats, and he considered that refreshing for the market.