Order in or go out - Dilema

Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
Need to have some social time with a beautiful woman, always the dilema, go out or order in.

Go out to the strip clubs = Multiple women, lots of choices, can be hit or miss, but usually not huge hits or misses,

Outcall to my place = One woman, more intimate, discretion is always a premium, can be hit or miss, much bigger hits, much bigger misses.

How does a man decide?

Just thinking out loud
Nitwitboy's Avatar
How about hitting Pappas Brothers, followed by Baby Dolls, then massage parlor row on Emerald. Not a bad evening.
If you can't decide whether to eat out or order in, this had always answered the question at my house. I ask the gentleman a question. "Do you want to wear your pants while you eat or eat pantless?"

It's simple if you break it down to it's basic elements. If you don't want to wear your pants while you eat, order in. I hope this helps.