What To Do???

Haven't Been Here In 15yrs
What Is There To Do
Or Where Are The
Topspiner's Avatar
Do me baby......
Skypilot1945's Avatar
There is a night club with music and dancing in the Elegante. Other than that, I don't know since I am here for work and don't have much time to look around.
Howdy Taylor,
There is a club over on Butternut around South 20th. or so. Firehouse Grill.. Not sure what the draw is there but it sure draws a crowd. I'm gonna have to stop in one night and see what's going on there. Might be worth a shot for you.
I'm gonna ear tag and castrate some calves this afternoon if you like cowgirl work, hehe. Might be different than your usual cowgirl work but cold beer and calf fries come later as a bonus!