So Ladies, when you orgasm, what percentage is a clitoris orgasm and what percentage is a vaginal orgasm?

ManSlut's Avatar
So Ladies, when you orgasm, what percentage is a clitoris orgasm and what percentage is a vaginal orgasm??...Which one feels the best and why?...Do you guide clients how to 'get you there'?...Can your pussy continue pulsing for several minutes after climaxing?...Can you orgasm by anal sex (if you're into that) without touching the VaJayJay?

Inquiring minds (and horny dicks) wanna know.

100% clitoris for me.
pyramider's Avatar
It's amazing that no lady Os when I am present. It must be them. A man can only chew so much kitty.
Neither way for me. Ooops that is directed to the ladies.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
For me it is mostly clit action and it's amazing. Yes, for me, it can pulsate for a minute or two after climaxing. I'm also very sensitive to touch afterward. It is also how I masturbate.

When I have dated in my personal life, I enjoy the time spent building a deeper connection. This kind of intimacy, where you both take your mask off, free from inhibition.......Is ideal for all kinds of orgasms.

Pyramider, you chew chew kitty taintard
pyramider's Avatar
Chewing the kitty is the only way to push the ladies over the edge.
DiyosaBaby's Avatar
Mainly my clit... but can reach on O from the inside
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
a little of both fingering while DATY defintley feels amazing!
So Ladies, when you orgasm, what percentage is a clitoris orgasm and what percentage is a vaginal orgasm??...Which one feels the best and why?...Do you guide clients how to 'get you there'?...Can your pussy continue pulsing for several minutes after climaxing?...Can you orgasm by anal sex (if you're into that) without touching the VaJayJay?

Inquiring minds (and horny dicks) wanna know.

ManSlut Originally Posted by ManSlut
Physiologically, our clitoris is the exact model of your dick, on a smaller scale. However, we literally have over a million more additional nerve endings in that teeny tiny spot, than men do in their entire penis.
So essentially, could you orgasm if a lady were to only suck your balls? How about if she ONLY gave you TUMA and never touched your cock? Could you orgasm? We can't either.

Now, all ladies are different. But in general, if you are not stimulating the clit, it's very hard to achieve orgasm. It's very do-able, if our minds are into it. Women are much more cerebrally stimulated. But for all practical purposes, if you aren't playing with the clit, it isn't really happening.

Now, I have had some very intense vaginal orgasms when my G spot is being stimulated at the same time as my clit. This is the only time I squirt. But they have to go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can't have one without the other.

I'm certain there will be ladies who respond to this, saying they can cum by just seeing your cock. The truth of the matter is, our clits are what would have been a penis if we had been born male. If men keep that in mind, they can apply their same desires to the same area. Like, when we are getting to the edge, don't slow down or stop and lick the taint...just stay where you are please!!

That's just me and my annoying truths, though.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-21-2013, 09:56 AM
Orgasms take place in the brain. A skillful neurologist can trigger a release using an electrode on your spine (or directly in your brain if he knew the spot) while, on the other hand, if the neural connection is cut no amount of fucking (or other physical stimulation) will make you cum. I know of a test subject who could trigger an orgasm lying completely motionless (took her about 30 minutes) that was identical to her physically stimulated orgasm, on a brain scan.

The clitoris itself is the point, the external nub, a concentration center, of a web of nerves that branch back along both inner labia and back into the inner pelvis. All of that web of nerves is sensitive to stimulation and will elicit a sexual response.

So a woman who rubs her clit while you're plugging her ass isn't stimulating another spot so much as she's lighting up more of the same system you're stimulating in her nether regions. Does that make sense?

It may seem esoteric, since your question remains: "What do you want me to be doing to make you have a good, strong (long pussy spasming orgasm. But you seem like a guy who might be really interested in improving your skills, and understanding the physical nature of female sexual neurology obviously has useful implications.

Here's an interesting documentary

It's clickable but you might want to copy and paste.

P.S. Saw Dannie's response after posting -- well said, dear. Per your point about the importance of mental stimulation -- some women can't cum (or can't with me) unless they are penetrated. You can rub their clit all night and get this funny look. I can't comment knowledgeably on what a cock-inside-ya feels like (I've wondered and it must feel great) but I think that, apart from the actual genital contact that's taking place, part of that is "mental" in the sense that it has a psychological impact that helps trigger orgasm.

P.P.S Original Poster: Man to man, may I suggest that you banish the term "VaJaJay" from your working vocabulary? Forever? It makes you sound like an idiot or a gent who stays home watching Oprah. Seriously.
P.S. Saw Dannie's response after posting -- well said, dear. Per your point about the importance of mental stimulation -- some women can't cum (or can't with me) unless they are penetrated. You can rub their clit all night and get this funny look. I can't comment knowledgeably on what a cock-inside-ya feels like (I've wondered and it must feel great) but I think that, apart from the actual genital contact that's taking place, part of that is "mental" in the sense that it has a psychological impact that helps trigger orgasm.

P.P.S Original Poster: Man to man, may I suggest that you banish the term "VaJaJay" from your working vocabulary? Forever? It makes you sound like an idiot or a gent who stays home watching Oprah. Seriously. Originally Posted by jfred
It's good to see you back, Jfred

Now about that "...rub their clit all night and get this funny look.."
Sometimes men are used to jerking off and being rougher with their own parts, and expect that we enjoy the same type of stimulation. Yeah, a guy can rub away all night if he wants and I will never come. It's because he's scrubbing it like a dirty kitchen floor, as another provider so eloquently put it in a blog once.

If men were to just attempt the very lightest touch over the clitoris, teasing it, slowly caressing the outer labia before very GENTLY tracing along the side of the inner labia and just barely running their finger (preferably the tongue) across our clit, as they move to the other side for more of the same teasing...we would never need a bottle of lube on the nightstand. Unless anal is on the menu and that's another threAD.

Women are a slow burn, if we are to be truthful. It takes us time to warm up; time that most hobbyists don't care to spend on us. So just ram it in, and she's going to gush and love it just like all her reviews say!
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Exactly what Dannie said! Starting slow and building up takes time which is limited in hobby

Hiya Dannie, we are still going to lay by the pool. I will be wanting and needing that very soon. Will you feed me gumbo??? Come on!!
I thought the woman orgasm was a myth.
Jesone's Avatar
You know it is a joke now, but I remember reading articles in the early eighties that stated the female orgasm was a myth. My High School girlfriend quickly proved to me that was not correct. It's so strange how bad information gets out there and persists .....

I think a good rule of thumb for bringing a woman to orgasm is to think of the clit as the head of her tiny cock and the vagina walls as the shaft of her cock. You lick and suck the clit while you stroke the walls of her vagina with normally 2 fingers. Some women like it hard and aggressive and some slower and gentle. Now I'm no expert but this basic strategy seems to work well and at least is a good starting point. Now I'm going to watch that documentary. Looks very good.

Oh, I have heard some women have a 3rd kind of orgasm from anal sex. Wish we could have 3 different types of orgasms and "multiple orgasms". God may really be a woman .... Maybe the myth that Prostate Massage brings men multiple orgasms is true ????? Hmmm...
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-21-2013, 04:06 PM

Now about that "...rub their clit all night and get this funny look.."
Sometimes men are used to jerking off and being rougher with their own parts...etc.

Women are a slow burn, if we are to be truthful. It takes us time to warm up; time that most hobbyists don't care to spend on us... Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
It's okay (I suppose) if women say vajayjay, because it is a very effeminate word and needs to be said in a woman's voice (if at all). Thus my advice to what's-his-name, the OP.

While you're remarking on heavy-handed men let me just pop in and say the same goes for women. Light, artistic (if ya know what I mean) touch feels mighty good to a penis, too. But your point is well taken.

Frankly I've always been surprised when a gal doesn't want direct clitoral stimulation, indeed need it to reach a climax. Of course I don't really rub that nub all nite looking at her looking funny at me I'm talking about girls who say clearly, "I can't cum unless you're fucking me," and then, when I do, start yellin' "Oh god my spot!" and drench me. So I don't think I'm imagining that these women really need that, and that clitoral contact is incidental.

As far as women requiring time and guys not being willing to pay for it...I'm afraid he's purchasing his pleasure, not yours. I'm sure that if you start saying, "Please come an hour early to your 60 minute appointment so we can spend some time getting me naturally lubricated and prepared for a good cum," you would find no shortage of interest.

Nice to see you. I'm not really back.