I need an adaptable Trainer for 4 days hands on

Ok. So here's the deal.
Real life catastrophes hit me back to back and I can not go into detail as it will out me.
I let my self go. was not sire if I wanted to even breath much less do right with my body or my business.

I cut off phone for days at a time stayed in bed eating ding dogs and drinking dr pepper

Did what I had to to stay afloat. and nothing more.

But I made a reality check. SELF....You have 2 choices. PICK ONE NOW!

LIVE or DIE and if you choose life LIVE WELL. So here we go.
Living well to me is feeling well, looking well. being well every where.

I get to San Antonio today This evening. I need an adaptable trainer that will start tonight do morning and night Thursday and Friday

Saturday before I leave at my hotel make a program for me using what I have. Knowing my lifestyle and schedule.
Us stay with it via phone and video me come back monthly for 3 months for 3 or 4 days and hit it hard and heavy 2 times a day when I am in town.

Adaptable meal plans accountability sheets etc etc.

Trading can not happen for every thing I am wanting plus a woman trainer one closer to my age might be best but I am open. But it is important they know my life style and schedule.
And it would be a good idea if they did get what I do once so they know what my body endures on a daily basis to maybe put that somehow in my daily routine..

I would be glad to help you. I owned a gym for 6 years, i am a personal trainer and a nutritionist. I have trained cheerleaders, mma fighters, and athletes. Wanna call me or i can call you?