
goodman0422's Avatar
With the loss of showcases, physical descriptions have become more important. To cover all bases, I thought we could list things we would like to know when reading a review

Some things I think should be included in a decription:
Approximate age
Weight/body type/build
Hair color/length
TransGender y/n

I would also suggest noting features that are noteworthy such as a pretty face or amazing personality.
I agree. Sounds good.
Remember to add grooming. Some suitors have a preference for hairy pussies and specifically full bushes.
And in addition to physical descriptions, it is always important to relate the 'experience' you had as much as possible as well. Many providers used to give at least a hint of their attitude, what they were willing to do, what they loved doing, etc in their showcases.

In many ways, the reviews have become the showcases themselves now (minus the pics)
joyote's Avatar
good ideas, all

let’s hear it for full bushes!
I agree with all said above and would also like to see included - Smoker/Nonsmoker - as this is a make or break factor for many of us.
I agree with all said above and would also like to see included - Smoker/Nonsmoker - as this is a make or break factor for many of us. Originally Posted by Expresso Jim

Yes, definitely. I agree.