Google silently delists ad sites in search results

valkyra's Avatar
you used to be able to Google "hire sex worker", "escort in my area" etc and familiar sites such as tryst, list crawler, skip etc would come up with links to local providers. This isn't the case currently in chicago and indianapolis, though; when people who live there type something like that in, they're met instead with news stories and "escort jobs" on indeed, etc.

looks like we aren't *quite* affected yet in WNY as you can still type in "hire escort and pull up the usual, but this is an issue i'm seeing across the USA in threads online and I imagine it'll just take time to fully take effect here.

very disheartening as this means people who want to see sex workers are going to have an increasingly difficult time finding them, especially girls who have been relying on sites like skip and Leo that don't have individually listed ads/urls and instead rely on a rotating "bulletin" information-style sites.

a fellow SW on Twitter found a log that says they removed a bunch of links about Isreal (?) and "promoting trafficking) at 3:30am but nothing was officially released about the changes.

this affects all of us. has anyone else noticed this change, or have any new information on it?

(( lets say it together, kids. this is called censorship. ))
valkyra's Avatar
actually, I take that back, it isn't censorship on a govt level, but on a corporation level. whatever, either way it sucks
actually, I take that back, it isn't censorship on a govt level, but on a corporation level. whatever, either way it sucks Originally Posted by valkyra
Who do you think big tech takes their marching orders from?? The Gov't!
lilylivered's Avatar
Who do you think big tech takes their marching orders from?? The Gov't! Originally Posted by tbear4u77
or the other way around....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I hate if you get a spam or spam ta scam call, Google seem ta can't find it now .
use to able get them no matter what country

As some scammers started using a stolen number that stopped . Ya I would hate getting hate calls if a scammer used my number

I have had 3 out of country scammers call the local cops on me. They see the air horn next to my phone and officer will say what a great idea thanks Well Sir remember you have to trick the calling computer ta give ya to a human for it ta work
valkyra's Avatar
i'd argue that corps are controlling the govt more than we all realize, but what do I know
Plastic Man's Avatar
so searchin ...fer illegal businesses ans ...criminal activities ans nots ...findin em be considered ...censorship?

...guess it wrong fer em nots ..ta ...list mafia hitmen an blackmarket ...biological weapon dealers too?

Plastic Man's Avatar
but what do I know Originally Posted by valkyra
ares ya really lookin ...fer an answer er does ...that justs bait?
change2chance's Avatar
Idk how many ppl are paying attention to certain video games and movies throughout the years but they've been telling us for some while now. Corps and Tech move dirty. There's no telling what Intel they've on Government higher up