Brielovesu NCNS

oldpun's Avatar
So I told Brie I would like an appointment today at 2 on Wednesday, told her I would know for sure Friday. Texted Friday and confirmed, got a quick reply. Yesterday afternoon I sent a PM asking for the general area so I could figure travel time. It has not been read, but hey we all don't check here daily. Today at 12:30 sent a text requesting same info. No answer. Head up to the mall about 1:30 figuring that's 10 minutes from anywhere in Amarillo. Sent a text. Nada. Called, no answer, no voice mail set up. So I went around and did some stuff that I needed to do, calling or sending a text every 10 to 15 minutes. Gave up at 3 since even if she was available, my window was shut.

I know that she was traveling last week, I hope nothing happened to her. Had this been a BP girl I would have had backup plans and used them, but Brie does not have a rep for not showing. In fact, the one thing consistent in all her reviews is she has great TCB.
oldpun's Avatar
Heard from Brie, she has a very sick child.
Phrasing's Avatar
That sucks. Something more important did come up, CAN fault her for NCNS though
john_deere's Avatar
i guess i'm just a dick, but 30 seconds to send a text before the time of the appointment doesn't seem unreasonable.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2015, 08:20 AM
It depends on how sick/where. If the child is sick enough to be in an ICU for example, probably no cell phone use because of the O2. And depending on the situation, running out to check her cell might not be what's on her mind. Sometimes there are other priorities.
john_deere's Avatar
perhaps, but at the end of the day, truly effective people take care of their shit no matter what.
Maybe if the provider has a history of this behavior but not in bries case. She has been very good in this area. I also feel as though her kids are her first priority and that is certainly the way I would have handled it. I am fairly certain she feels bad about the situation and will make it up to op in spades. Sure she could have made time to contact but the illness going around with young kids right now can be scary especially for a single parent. I personally will give her a pass on this one
oldpun's Avatar
While I was not happy with the NCNS, I was more worried than mad. I knew she had been traveling and thought something bad might have happened. I would have liked a text, but remember what it was like when my kids were young and sick. I could certainly see someone grabbing the kid and heading to the ER and not taking the business phone. I can also see being up all night with a sick kid and sleeping while the kid slept. Stuff happens sometimes.

As CK said, Brie doesn't have a reputation for this. That's why I didn't have a backup plan. I won't hold this against Brie, but the way my schedule is getting screwed up I may not be able to try again for quite awhile.
brielovesyou's Avatar
perhaps, but at the end of the day, truly effective people take care of their shit no matter what. Originally Posted by john_deere
My kid had rsv n was in the hospital 4 days n as u c I contacted him later so I did handle it no matter what
busternutzs's Avatar
My kid had rsv n was in the hospital 4 days n as u c I contacted him later so I did handle it no matter what Originally Posted by brielovesyou

Sorry to hear your child was so ill. I hope she is doing better.

I still think Wallance was right and had a good idea. When he said there should be a cooling off of 3 or 4 days period before a NCNS is posted.
brielovesyou's Avatar

Sorry to hear your child was so ill. I hope he or she is doing better.

I still think Wallance was right and had a good idea. When he said there should be a cooling off of 3 or 4 days period before a NCNS is posted. Originally Posted by busternutzs
Thank u for caring she is much better. I have no prob with the post it is true no call no show at the moment I just thought I'd respond to someone saying I was unproffesional. The person the call was with n I have spoken n I'll leave at that it's not a prob I feel like we communicated
john_deere's Avatar
brie, don't misunderstand....i have nothing personal against you and i'm glad things worked out with your child. my position on handling business is a standard i hold all people to. letting the guy know BEFORE he showed up would have been effective. as it was, you made your problem into his problem. nonetheless it sounds like all's well that ends well.
westtexasbrowser's Avatar
For what it's worth... the way I read the OP's report of a NCNS it sounded to me more like he was concerned for you than upset at you. The tone in his posts suggest that he was more worried that he didn't hear back from you, not that he was trying to tattletale on you for a NCNS.

Your reputation as a dependable and honest provider remains intact. The guys here know you're one of the good ones.
brielovesyou's Avatar
For what it's worth... the way I read the OP's report of a NCNS it sounded to me more like he was concerned for you than upset at you. The tone in his posts suggest that he was more worried that he didn't hear back from you, not that he was trying to tattletale on you for a NCNS.

Your reputation as a dependable and honest provider remains intact. The guys here know you're one of the good ones. Originally Posted by westtexasbrowser
I agree n we worked it out i understand his concern n it was appreciated. Only thing i felt the need to address is some one saying im unprofessional n i dont think i misunderstood that all. I wish i had let him know first but it completely slipped my mind since i was racing home four hours away to a kid in the hospital. I have no problem with his post i didnt feel like he was a tattletale because i dont dispute anything he had to say. My only issue is i am very professional in my job and my hobby and will defend myself on that.......but all that is second to my children.